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Immigration Law in the US - Essay Example

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The essay "Immigration Law in the US" focuses on a critical analysis of immigration law in the US. As s/he applied for a green card to live, work and study in the US, s/he took notice of the fact that society has continuously struggled to address the threats and challenges of immigration…
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Immigration Law in the US
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As I applied for a green card to live, work and study in the US, I took notice of the fact that society has continuously struggled to address the threats and challenges of immigration. I remember the day when I won a green card in the summer of 2006 vividly; thus, the opportunity to live and study in the US. I called my family to break the news to them. Indeed, I was happy and executed at the opportunity of exploring new cultures and the education system making it difficult to focus on the tasks at home. However, my parents were not excited since they indicated that I would lose my traditional values and struggle for resources. These are the effects of immigration based on their research.

As my family said goodbye during departure, I acknowledged that it would be difficult for them to visit due to the stringent immigration laws. Indeed, foreigners in the US are often mistaken as persons in search of opportunities to further their dreams; however, this is rarely the case. Indeed, I felt horrible that I was leaving my family behind. Nevertheless, I marvelled at the chance of meeting new people. As I landed and exited from JFK, I noticed that the US was significantly developed as compared to my home country. The buzzing cars and skyscrapers were breathtaking; however, I began missing home since everything seemed different. Indeed, I was experiencing culture shock. I immediately bought a hot dog since I was hungry. Alas! I was already abandoning my culture since I devalue fast food.

As I settled down, I found a job and attended school; however, I miss my big family. I realized that immigration distorts one’s culture since I am accustomed to fast food; furthermore, I intend to look for additional jobs to keep up indicating that immigrants struggle for resources. In conclusion, immigration is a social problem because it leads to a loss of values and a struggle for resources (Spijkerboer & Walsum, 2).

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