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Formal recommendation report - android tablets - Research Paper Example

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Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Memo 2 Issue 2 Cost implications of the project 3 Knowledge and Interests 4 Preliminary Findings 4 Work Remaining 4 Positive Implications 4 Report 5 Executive summary 5 Problem 6 Cost analysis 7 Discussion 8 Recommendations 9 Benefits 9 Future developments 9 Works cited 11 Memo TO: IT Department- Indiana State University FROM: Faisal Alabdullah SUBJECT: Lack of Android Tablets in Information Technology Classes DATE: November 15, 2013 Issue It is evident that most students in the information technology classes lack the fundamental android tablet…
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Formal recommendation report - android tablets
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The android tablets are fundamental in the teaching and learning process. Among their basic functions and advantages, include their portability. Android tablets have small sizes and light thus easy to carry and therefore facilitate interactive communication regardless of the location of either a student or a teacher. The size makes the tablets convenient for students to use thus making them fundamental. Additionally, as students of information technology the android tablets epitomize the future of mobile communication.

Understanding their operations and specifications is therefore basic to the study of hardware in the class. Such requires a degree of practicality only achievable if the students possessed the devices. The gadgets function as effective mobile phones thus perform all the functions previously performed by mobile phones but also sum up as hand held computers. They are therefore essential in the learning process as students use such in carrying their digital notes thus sustaining the learning process. . implications of the project Equipment/Activity Price Units Total cost Android tablets $ 550 21 $ 11,550 UPS $ 210 3 $ 630 Teacher training $ 350 2 teachers $ 700 Total project cost $ 12,880 Possible Solutions To address the evident lack of the hand held communication devices in the class is a collective responsibility that must involve all the stakeholders in the facility.

Such include the parents, students and the teachers. Additionally, the absence of the devises also portrays an administrative inefficiency thus compelling the inclusion of the administration of the institution in the solution determination process. Among the possible urgent solutions to the problem is to seek the schools resources in availing the devices to the students or compelling the parents to purchase the devices to their children. An effective long-term solution is to institutionalize the creation of a computer lab and equipping it with the fundamental devices for practical classes or compelling every parent to buy such for their children before admission.

Knowledge and Interests As an active class member, I have the firsthand experience on the effects of the absence of the android devices. As stated earlier, the devices are fundamental in the learning process, they facilitate practical classes thus making learning a cohesive process in which every class member contributes and learns equally. With such knowledge, it becomes possible to study the prevalence of the lack among the students thus determine a cost effective solution for every student.

In devising a solution to the problem, one must consider the cost implications of such solutions vis-a-vis the importance of the devices to the learning process. Preliminary Findings With adequate observation of the prevalence of the lack in the class

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