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How American Dream in The Great Gatsby Compares to the Modern American Dream - Essay Example

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[Name of of Instructor] Comparison between American Dream in the Great Gatsby and Modern American Dream Every year millions of individuals and families flock to the United States with aspirations and wishes to have a happy living in this most advanced and well-developed first world country…
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How American Dream in The Great Gatsby Compares to the Modern American Dream
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It is noticeable that post World War one is considered as a the most prosperous time of the United States, but still there were great number of people at that time in the US, who had to struggle and suffer hard to make their dreams come true (TCF). One of such stories is written by an American novelist F.Scott Fitzgerald in 1922. This story is about a poor boy, who had a dream, a passion, and a potential to do something outstanding to gain fame and money in life. In this paper, we shall compare American Dream life portrayed by F.

Scott Fitzgerald in his famous novel “The Great Gatsby” with notions interlinked with the modern American dream. Modern American Dream is a vast topic and a heated debate in town hall meeting across the state. Is American dream dead or still alive s a big question keeps on flickering on every American’s mind. And a run to an authentic and realistic answer to this question motivates a study entitling “Modern American Dream” across the nation. With the findings of this study, it has come forward that majority of American population strongly believe that American Dream is exhausted, but not dead.

Current, financial downfalls, due to recession are challenging, which hangs the US future in between dark and bright (Ford, Dion and Conway). Many people think that American dream is one of the most significant fundamentals of American identity, for which fundamental change, with modernization and metamorphosis is needed. Additionally, it is noteworthy, with modernization and advancements American dream is no more similar to what it was a few decades before, just a house ownership in the locality.

But, now an American dream is much vast, diversified and individualistic. In other words, it can be said that today people do not have one big dream, but they have now lots of little dreams with controlled self destinies (Sawhill). Similar individualistic dreams of a young boy are discussed by F.Scott Fitzgerald. Dreams of Gatsby are no different from an ordinary American of today. It is in a way that both have their individual dreams, smudged with a passion to understand success on their own and a personal enthusiasm to stay focused on one dream at a time.

Likewise, from story the story of Gatsby it has been understood that he was an ordinary in fact a poor boy belonged to rural family of North Dakota (Fitzgerald). He had all those similar dreams, which today people have in America of attaining success in each desired aspect. As we have understood that modern American dream is no more confined to saving money, securing montage and buying home, but it is more about traveling to the path towards defined ambitions. Similar cognitive approaches were adopted by the focused dreamer of F.

Scott Fitzgerald’s story. Dreams of Gatsby can be relate with the Albert Camus’ philosophy of absurdism, which based on the concept of nothingness referring to the struggles an ordinary individual make in quest for dreams. Gatsby started weaving his dreams since childhood like children of many working class people, who had to learn sacrifice at a very early stage of life. Gatsby was one of those individuals, who promised himself at a very early age to remove all those situations from his life that discomfort each day, he aimed to get something extraordinary in life, but did not focus particularly on money.

Poor Gatsby dreamt to alter his circumstance as he strongly believed that there is a lot to do and rediscover own self

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