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Task How living in the 21st century society can promote addiction especially addiction to technology Summary There are four different types of addiction, which include addiction 1, addiction 2, addiction 3 and addiction 4. Addiction 1 is the most common type and entails addiction to alcohol and drugs. It started in the 19th century. Addiction 2 is a compulsion to substance abuse that causes major problems in the society. Addiction 3 results into dependency especially when one becomes addicted to specific activities and behaviors.
Finally, addiction 4 is seen when an individual engages in activities repeatedly; however, such activities are harmless. Addiction is common in the 21st century because people fail to concentrate on a single habit. Instead, they are obsessed by various activities such as video games, chartroom, internet, emailing, watching pornography, and using cell phones. In addition, the high rate of addiction in the 21st century is caused by the inability of the media to educate people on the dangers of addiction.
This is because they reassure people using humored indications that glorify addiction. Most people in the 21st century are restless and dissatisfied. They participate in activities such as surfing, watching pornography, gambling, playing computer games, abuse of substances. These activities usually lead to dependence. People in the 21st century feel that they lack connections and relationships in their life. They prefer to address the emptiness with activities that lead to addiction. The 21stcentury is characterized by several activities that cause stress.
This makes people to engage in processes that lead to addiction. Finally, addiction is common in the 21st century because many people feel misplaced when their families and kin abandon them. They lack measures that will allow them to feel loved. “Would you agree or not with the argument that the tragically cool have an "emptiness at the core" of their being or a "poverty of spirit” The argument that the tragically cool individuals have an “emptiness at the core of their being” or a “poverty spirit” is true because such people have gone through many incidences that make them agitated, short-tempered and dissatisfied.
This makes them experience difficulties socializing with the community and being patient. Therefore, for such people to feel contented, they decide to distract themselves through several activities and entertainment processes. This is seen when they use their phones to text, playing video games, watching television, reading magazine and altering their moods using substances. In addition, such people participate in activities such as shopping, gambling, sex and work. These are important in reducing anxiety.
The tragically cool feel empty because they always feel empty. However, they decide to investigate something that can fully fill the bare space. As a result, they end up taking alcohol and drugs. Furthermore, they shop, have sex and gamble. Consequently, the tragically cool individuals feel that the approaches mentioned fill their emptiness. The opposing argument indicates that the tragically cool do not have “emptiness at the core of their being” or “poverty of spirit” because such people seek fulfillment from their parents, families and the entire community.
This is in addition to depending on negative addictive behaviors. In addition, the current society is full of so many obligations. This means that the tragically cool individuals have little free time. “Would you agree with the claim that we are using technology to fill a space left by a "hole in the soul?"?” Technology is essential because it fills the space left by “a hole in the soul”. This is true because many people living in this century have gone through many problems. For example, the century has witnessed the displacement of the indigenous culture by the powerful people making individuals to lose their homes, families, tribes, life and sense of community belonging.
It is clear that such incidences contribute to voids and deficiencies that many people experience that affect their human psyche. This makes them face unbearable despair, shame and boredom. As a result, such people feel disconnected from the rest of the community; thus, deciding to participate in addictive behaviors for them to feel relieved. In addition, most people in the 21st century feel that they have an impoverished spirit; therefore, they continually use emails, phones, interact with their friends on the social media and blackberries; thus, staying updated.
Technology may not be relevant in filling voids that persons may be feeling based on their detachment from society. This is because technology makes life simple in light of stressful and busy lifestyles. Additionally, technology updates people with new information and increases the level of communication. People should first appreciate the existing challenges in relations; hence, trying connect with their families, friends and the community. This would eliminate the issues associated with relations.
Technology is also beneficial because it limits the extent of dissatisfaction especially when issues can be addressed quickly. As such, it is clear that societal voids may be eliminated when the positive attributes of technology are used.
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