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Eco Village Design and Sewage Networks - Assignment Example

This assignment "Eco Village Design and Sewage Networks" is an explanation of how necessary resources will be supplied in all the premises and facilities in a school. The services include electricity distribution system, heating system, telecom distribution system and sewerage system…
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Eco Village Design Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Outline: 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Sewage Networks 3.0 Electricity Distribution Network 4.0 District Heating Network 5.0 Telecoms Distribution Network 6.0 Water Distribution Network and Water collection and drainage. Introduction This discussion is an explanation of how necessary resources will be supplied in all the premises and facilities in a school. The services include electricity distribution system, heating system, telecom distribution system and sewerage system among others. All services have to be supplied in a universally acceptable standard. This involves consideration of the health and safety conditions, while at the same time ensuring that the supply of the services and resources is consistent. An example of health and safety factors includes preventing a mix of sewerage drainage system and water supply lines. It also confirms the movement of electricity supply system to eliminate the risk of power shocks or electrocution. Sewage Networks Sewerage movement is a very critical aspect of a building and an institution. It has a diverse effect on health and safety of the community. In this school, sewerage network will have to move through underground channels to minimize the exposure to the environment. Each house will have metallic pipes properly fixed and with absolutely no leakage points. The metallic pipes will be linked to minor pipes of approximately two inches by diameter, collecting waste liquid from sinks within the houses. There will also be larger pipes of about 5 inches by diameter collecting waste septic products from the abolition section. They will then move to a main drainage channel through which the waste products flow out of the school to the city drainage system. There will be strategically designated points on the pipes which can be easily opened to expose the internal sections of the channels in the events of blockage to rectify anomalies. For any new building that is coming up, the constructors have to ensure that the main sewer line is accessible and does not intertwine with the water supply lines. This is detrimental to the safety related to the consumption of water. Electricity Distribution Network Electricity supply has to be fixed carefully in the buildings, outside the buildings and at the locations of appliances. Considering the dangers of electricity, the electricians have to make sure there is no exposure of wires in the power lines. Electricity connection has to comply with the electricity at work act of 1989, and the regulations for electrical power installation and wiring regulations produced by the Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE). These regulations take care of safety of people, livestock, and the other properties (Scaddan, 2012). Power lines will principally originate from the transformer, to the main distribution unit with electricity meters and circuit breakers. Each building will have its own power lines supplying power from the main switch. Inside the buildings, power lines will either be engulfed in the interior parts of the walls or inside electricity trunk lines. The distribution will make sure that there is homogeneity in the distribution of electricity power load throughout the supply lines (Hering, 2012). Every building will then have power supply sockets through which appliances will be connected. All large rooms and small rooms have to be equipped with power sockets. The electricians have to take care of possible failures in power supply, short circuits and causes of electrocution. This still is a factor considered under the guidelines of IEE standard electrification regulations. The height of the power lines has to be above the reach of malicious creations of power links. District Heating Network The heating network of the school has to be located at a strategic point, with an underground construction of water heating tank. The tank has to be located towards the central parts of the school to ensure it is accessible to all areas and the rooms that require the use of hot water. There is a pipe supporting the inflow of water into the tank. A second pipe is located on top of the tank to supply hot water from the tank to the areas where water can be used. Still on top of the tank, there has to be a long pipe with an open top to release excess pressure during the heating process. Outlet pipes ensure that water reaches every vital point where it is required for use such as the kitchen rooms and the showers rooms. There has to be a constant supply of fuel to supply the much needed heat to conduct the heating process. Telecoms Distribution Network Communication is a vital aspect of the institution. There is therefore need to establish communication lines both for fixed phone communication, wireless communication gargets and e-mail communication. For the wire communication, there has to be uniform distribution of lines and phone terminals in every room and service points. There has to be a central switch through which all lines are connected, and to which the communication service provider assigns communication numbers and the communication protocols. The wires can then run either in the open or in closed channels or even underground. For the wireless telecommunication channels, there has to be registered gargets distributed all over the school. The service provider has to fix network boosters close to the school to facilitate the strength of the network. Other wireless communication gargets include computers connected to wireless modems with high speed band widths. Band width is a very vital factor not only for wireless channels but also for the fixed wire communication channels. Water Distribution Network and Water collection and drainage Water is an equally vital resource in the school. There has to be adequate supply of clean water for multipurpose application. The water service authorities have to supply water through the main water pipe which pours water into an elevated tank, in the highest part of the school compound. The inward water pipe has to be located at the highest part of the tank. From the tank, there has to be an outward pipe located at the lowest part of the tank. Water flows through the outward pipe by hydraulic pressure to the areas where it is required for usage. The pipes have to be tightly fixed making sure there is no leakage anywhere on the walls of the pipes. At the same time, there should be no meeting point between the water pipes and the sewerage pipes. This according to Bhandari (2010) is to prevent contamination of water and possible disease outbreaks. The outlet pipe is divided into many small pipes which supply water into every room where they are required for usage. After usage, there has to be a drainage channel through which waste water flow outside the school. In the long run, the water drainage system is linked to the sewerage system since they serve the same purpose of disposing waste materials. Every room has water supply pipes and waste water pipes properly fixed and functioning. References Bhandari, R., 2010. Role of Grids for Electricity and Water Supply with Decreasing Costs for Photovoltaics. Hessen: Kassel University Press. Hering, R., 2012. Report on a Sewerage System for the City of Trenton. Trenton: BiblioBazaar. Scaddan, B., 2012. 17th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations: Explained and Illustrated. London: CRC Press. Read More
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