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System Engineering Principles - Essay Example

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The essay 'System Engineering Principles' deals with Air-Deployable Amphibious Vehicles. One of the important factors that influence vehicle performance is its design. The design used in making a vehicle should also have the aura of attraction to people making them inquire its details on its design…
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System Engineering Principles Student’s Name Institution Introduction One of the important factor that influence vehicle performance is its design. When the vehicle passes through a medium may be air, water or any other factor, the medium act as a resistance and air is one of the resistance that affect the speed of a vehicle when it travel as a result of its density (Chu et al., 2015). Apart from lowering the speed of the vehicle, the resistance results to increase of fuel consumption. The design used in making a vehicle should also have the aura of attraction to people making them to inquire its details on its design (Yang et al., 2015). This paper capability Baseline for a proposed, new system (an Air-Deployable Amphibious Vehicle). Amphibious design vehicle is capable of operation on both land and water. This particular design has probably received widest coverage in the media. It was conceived in 1900 with much of its development and construction expanded after world war two where two of the most prominent designs were developed during World War II with the German Schwimmwagen as the most proliferous followed by small jeep like 4x4 vehicle designed by the Porsche engineering firm in early 1942 and used extensively in the World War II. The body works was designed by the Erwin Komenda the firm’s body construction designer (Yang et al., 2015). Project background For this design project, the team will be small in size like five individuals who will be working together to help in development of a solution to a design problem. The team will come up with the prototype of an amphibious vehicle used by Australian defense force (March 2014). In the design, some of the major design components that are to be selected or designed are as follows: Vehicle Frame Wheels Suspension Floatation Dual Environment Steering System Adjustable Seating System Drive Train Braking System Material Protection Table 1. Design Components and Requirements Design Component Design Requirements Vehicle Frame Front Y-Frame Wheels BMX Standards Suspension Three Wheel Suspension Floatation Pontoon/Kayaks Dual Environment Steering System Handle Bars & Wheel Rudder Adjustable Seating System Single Slider Frame Drive Train Independent Gearing System Braking System Bike Brakes & Fixed Paddle Wheel Material Protection Corrosion Resistant Coat Design capability In the design of an autonomous amphibious vehicle which is capable of navigating rough terrain. The design should allow for the attachment of components for navigation, automation among other future improvements (March 2014). In addition the new design should be an improvement of existing design to be able to come up with a more comprehensive design. Deliverables The deliverable include 1. Be able to design and fabrication of one complete hydraulically powered wheel assembly 2. Be able to design and fabricate a close hydraulic system to be able to support driven wheels (Robinson 2013). 3. Design and fabricate robust off-road suspension for vehicle 4. Design and fabricate amphibious platform to support vehicle automation equipment and payload (Robinson 2013). Design specification i. Six wheel vehicle platform: - the vehicle will have six wheels platform to enable it to navigate sharp corners and improve their stability. Six wheels will further ensure larger base area which increases the stability of the car at different terrains (Robinson 2013). ii. Hydraulic driven: - the next specification is to design the hydraulic system of the vehicle which is very important when it comes to speed (Robinson 2013). iii. Amphibious: - this is the vehicle, amphibious design vehicle is capable of operation on both land and water. iv. Must contain enough torque to climb a vertical wall v. 50 lbs pay load-which is good for the design used in war and other disaster management vi. 12-14 clearance ground-help in enhancing speed of the vehicle vii. Less than 48’’ wide- increase the stability of the vehicle in water viii. Weight less than 300 lbs - ix. At least 2 cubic feet cargo space x. 24 hour autonomy xi. Attains speed up to 30 km/hr. Project design functionality Scope of the project Project aimed at coming up with a design of amphibious vehicle that would be capable of improving the efficiency of the military and its movement. The method of approach to the design should be cost effective safe and durable product. The design concept of AV would be one which is innovative within the military and warfare (Roy & Schmidt 2015). The design cost The main objective of this design is to achieve the lowest final cost as much as possible but maintaining high quality of the design. The team who will be working on this design will ensure that only locally available materials and materials which can be re-used are used in the production process. Challenges will be encountered in the process include floatation device, cost of materials that will be used in preventing rust of the metal parts among other materials (Kiln, Shimozono &Schmidt 2012) Durability The team must ensure that the material chosen for making the vehicle is durable and is not prone to breakdown. Material durability is very essential as it will help in reducing the maintenance cost while increasing the lifespan of the vehicle. Durability will also help the troops in their daily operations as the vehicle will be resistance to adverse conditions hence improving efficiency (March & March 2012). Assembly and design The project design of the proposed AV is to minimize the assembling time by eliminating any complications in the design and assembling process. It will also help in minimizing the number of components which will be included in the vehicle. Due to the fact that the vehicle should have capability of being used both in land and water, there is need to clean all parts with minimal distribution of other parts. The AV design must also be in a position which makes them to be assembled with a lot of ease and with minimum technical knowledge (March & March 2012). Safety The AV safety is paramount, it will be designed and built with a lot of safety measures both from the drivers and passengers. It will be done by placing the seats towards the center and lower basement. This will enhance stability through lowering center of gravity. Easy escape root should be developed in case of escape the people onboard can easily escape. Life vest will be provided and stored at the back of the vehicle (Karafiath et al., 2013). The safety of the vehicle must be at maximum. Design outlined The figure below shows the outline system of the AV to be designed including the measurement and other factors. It should be noted that many morden military vehicles ranging from light wheeled command and reconnaisance, through armored personnel carries and tanks are being produced with capabilities of amphibious. This will be one of the most advance military vehicle which will be designed and used by Australian defence. This will further meet the mission of the CDG of modernizing of the capabilities of the ADF to ensure it can fight and win the war (Karafiath et al., 2013). System design When we discuss system design, it mainly deals with the physical constrains and deciding most basic working principles, arrangement of the various components and space requirements. Some of the key areas include; the selection of the system based on the physical constrains which include the mechanical design which is directs norms with the system design. The general arrangement of various components of the machine or vehicle using every possible available space (Morgan & Toubia 2013). It should ensure ease of maintenance and servicing achieved means of simplified layout that can help in quick decision of assembling the parts. Lastly, the layout should include the scope of future improvement (Morgan & Toubia 2013). Mechanical design The mechanical design, the components of the vehicle are listed down and stored waiting the assembling process which include; Design of the parts In this case, the design details are outlined and comparison takes place between the available market design and the new design, improvement is made on the parts. This helps in simplifying the assembly process and post production maintenance. The preparation of the charts and the tolerance level is specified and passed over for manufacturing process (Morgan & Toubia 2013). The next stage is to list the parts which will be purchased this is done after properly evaluating the kind of materials to be used in the production process. The materials must meet the earlier stated criteria of durability and affordability. The selection of motor drive must also meet the earlier stated specification and this will be followed by the calculation of torque (March & March 2012). Assembly process The first stage is to assemble the chassis of the model of the AV followed by fitting the plywood below the chassis frame. All the process are followed until the last part is reached ensuring that each and every part is well fixed with optimal efficiency. You will realized that AV is able to run both on water and road hence is different from ordinary cars used by others. Specification and conclusion This design will be able to resist any explosive device or any kind of improvised device as the new design have incorporated bullet prove hammered materials in its construction. This specifically will be very important in ensuring that Australia army remains safe in their fight against terrorist and other insurgent groups (Garnier 2014). This vehicle will be able to provide Australian force with the ability to rapidly deploy appropriate counter IED system without reliance on the allied partners support since the AV will be fitted with IED detectors since the threat of IED is one of the major threats to ADF. A deployable intelligence facility will allow the ADF to rapidly respond to regional or local IED blast events and begin critical (and potentially lifesaving) analysis of evidence. Rapid and protected vehicle mounted system with an ability to safely detect IED at relatively rapid speed; and new personal and vehicle mounted counter IED systems. The AV to be constructed will be very useful in this case while minimizing the cost of construction at the same time (Garnier 2014). It is in the public knowledge that the government want to ensure that the ADF are well equipped with modern gadgets. Since the AV will be fitted with the GPS this device is very fundamental in terms of the effective operations hence the design will meet this target. The use of GPS in AV will improve the communication among the troops in the field and in the command center (Karafiath et al., 2013). Efficient communication is part and parcel of effective means of operation, the newly designed AV will be in a position to achieve this. Bibliography Chu, P.C., McCullough, M.K. and Brownfield, J.J., Bae Systems Land & Armaments, LP, 2015. Retractable trim vane for amphibious vehicle. U.S. Patent 8,997,676. Garnier, G., 2014. The Amphibious Endeavour: Tactical Risk, Strategic Influence. Karafiath, G., The United States Of America As Represented By The Secretary Of The Navy, 2013. Transformable teleoperated amphibious fuel truck. U.S. Patent 8,543,256. Kline, J., Shimozono, G. and Schmidt, T., 2012, December. The Captive Air Amphibious Transporter (CAAT) an enabler for Ultra-Heavy lift Amphibious Logistic Operations in Extreme Environments. In OTC Arctic Technology Conference. Offshore Technology Conference. March, J.D., 2014. Amphibious vehicle. U.S. Patent 8,764,499. March, J.D., March J David, 2012. Amphibious vehicle. U.S. Patent 8,221,174. Morgan, A.B. and Toubia, E., 2013. Cone calorimeter and room corner fire testing of balsa wood core/phenolic composite skin sandwich panels. Journal of Fire Sciences, p.0734904113514944. Robinson, J.Q., 2013. The Marine Corps Ability to Conduct Surface Amphibious Transport is at Risk. MARINE CORPS COMMAND AND STAFF COLL QUANTICO VA. Roy, R. and Schmidt, F., Cefa, 2015. Module for making ambidromic crossover equipment (FAM). U.S. Patent 9,221,520. Yang, X., Wang, T., Liang, J., Yao, G. and Liu, M., 2015. Survey on the novel hybrid aquatic–aerial amphibious aircraft: Aquatic unmanned aerial vehicle (AquaUAV). Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 74, pp.131-151. Read More

Design specification i. Six wheel vehicle platform: - the vehicle will have six wheels platform to enable it to navigate sharp corners and improve their stability. Six wheels will further ensure larger base area which increases the stability of the car at different terrains (Robinson 2013). ii. Hydraulic driven: - the next specification is to design the hydraulic system of the vehicle which is very important when it comes to speed (Robinson 2013). iii. Amphibious: - this is the vehicle, amphibious design vehicle is capable of operation on both land and water. iv. Must contain enough torque to climb a vertical wall v.

50 lbs pay load-which is good for the design used in war and other disaster management vi. 12-14 clearance ground-help in enhancing speed of the vehicle vii. Less than 48’’ wide- increase the stability of the vehicle in water viii. Weight less than 300 lbs - ix. At least 2 cubic feet cargo space x. 24 hour autonomy xi. Attains speed up to 30 km/hr. Project design functionality Scope of the project Project aimed at coming up with a design of amphibious vehicle that would be capable of improving the efficiency of the military and its movement.

The method of approach to the design should be cost effective safe and durable product. The design concept of AV would be one which is innovative within the military and warfare (Roy & Schmidt 2015). The design cost The main objective of this design is to achieve the lowest final cost as much as possible but maintaining high quality of the design. The team who will be working on this design will ensure that only locally available materials and materials which can be re-used are used in the production process.

Challenges will be encountered in the process include floatation device, cost of materials that will be used in preventing rust of the metal parts among other materials (Kiln, Shimozono &Schmidt 2012) Durability The team must ensure that the material chosen for making the vehicle is durable and is not prone to breakdown. Material durability is very essential as it will help in reducing the maintenance cost while increasing the lifespan of the vehicle. Durability will also help the troops in their daily operations as the vehicle will be resistance to adverse conditions hence improving efficiency (March & March 2012).

Assembly and design The project design of the proposed AV is to minimize the assembling time by eliminating any complications in the design and assembling process. It will also help in minimizing the number of components which will be included in the vehicle. Due to the fact that the vehicle should have capability of being used both in land and water, there is need to clean all parts with minimal distribution of other parts. The AV design must also be in a position which makes them to be assembled with a lot of ease and with minimum technical knowledge (March & March 2012).

Safety The AV safety is paramount, it will be designed and built with a lot of safety measures both from the drivers and passengers. It will be done by placing the seats towards the center and lower basement. This will enhance stability through lowering center of gravity. Easy escape root should be developed in case of escape the people onboard can easily escape. Life vest will be provided and stored at the back of the vehicle (Karafiath et al., 2013). The safety of the vehicle must be at maximum.

Design outlined The figure below shows the outline system of the AV to be designed including the measurement and other factors. It should be noted that many morden military vehicles ranging from light wheeled command and reconnaisance, through armored personnel carries and tanks are being produced with capabilities of amphibious. This will be one of the most advance military vehicle which will be designed and used by Australian defence. This will further meet the mission of the CDG of modernizing of the capabilities of the ADF to ensure it can fight and win the war (Karafiath et al., 2013).

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