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The Relationship between Beam Plus and Normal Office Building - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "The Relationship between Beam Plus and Normal Office Building" states that some offices have good scenery and atmosphere given that normal office building techniques have many advantages. This combination makes an office a great place to visit. …
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The Relationship between Beam Plus and Normal Office Building
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BEAM PLUS AND NORMAL OFFICE BUILDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BEAM PLUS AND NORMAL OFFICE BUILDING Table of Contents: I Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………2 1.1. Background Research………………………………………………………………………..2 1.2. Problem definition…………………………………………………………………………...3 1.3. Aims and objectives of the study……………………………………………………………4 1.4. Research question……………………………………………………………………………4 1.5. Rationale of the research…………………………………………………………………….5 1.6. Literature review…………………………………………………………………………….7 1.7. Research Methodology (Theoretical Framework) …………………………………………..8 1.7.1 Research design……………………………………………………………………………9 1.7.2 Sampling and sampling procedures………………………………………………………10 1.7.3 Data collection……………………………………………………………………………11 1.7.4 Data analysis……………………………………………………………………………...12 1.7.5 Research approach……………………………………………………………………….13 1.8 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...13 1. Introduction This research proposal will establish the relationship between beam plus and normal office building. It will also find out the implication of these variables on general construction regulations. This proposal will focus on the relationship between the two construction and the variables. In addition, it will give way to the collection and analysis of data from appropriate sources in order to answer the research problem. 1.1. Background Research According to Deplazes (2006, 93), the application of a good building design project results in successful project completion. Integrity is an ethical aspect, which both the natural and corporate persons ought to practice in technical building design. This virtue incorporates many ethical values hence it is a pillar in any successful firm. In fact, most organizations maintain high standards of ethics in the society to remain relevance and to enhance the organization’s going concern. Ethical compliance organizational and financial prowess often propels organizations to great heights in business performance. This will help in the achievement of the goals; the returns of firm’s increase and the shareholder wealth will be created with ease. According to Allen (2012, 53), building design influences many factors, which determine the competitive range of a particular contract. These factors include corporate social responsibility, service quality, and high revenue, low cost of reduction, efficiency, customization of services, strategic operation management and free trade. Corporate social responsibility gives a competitive edge to the concerned firms over their rivals. This enables them to broaden their market niche and influence hence high revenue and profit margins. The compliance to fairness, justice and integrity during project building design depends on the leaders holding the whims of power. All stakeholders focus on the actions and demeanor of their leader. 1.2 Problem Definition There is a need to set up good agricultural policies which will curb the problem of soil erosion and environmental pollution. This initiative will result into the improvement in output, which will result in consequent reduction in the poverty levels. Equitable distribution of energy will lead to economic growth and development because power enhances many commercial activities. Diversification of economic activities results to economic growth and development. This also results to diversification of risks which will increase the net effect of risks on the overall returns from various economic projects. However, social evils like crime will always result in the decline of the economy. The industrial sector ought to perform well in order to have increase in exports and decrease in the imports. This will result in the increase in the foreign reserves and promotion of the locally prepared products. Therefore, local products will have a ready market, which will lead to decrease in the general prices hence low rates of inflation. This will result in the increase in economic growth and development. 1.3. Aims and Objectives of the Study According to Kevin (2012, 32), building design enables a company to have competitive advantage. This has been operated efficiently due to strategic operation management. The building design culminates in achievement of a competitive advantage due to the customization of contract services. Building design culminates in competitive advantage of a contractor. The market forces determine the prices of contract services in the market. Free trade is not appropriate for developing countries. This is because free trade will make the contractors for the poor to compete internationally with the stable companies. This will further impoverish these companies. Holloway (2010, 23) assert that regulation in the market may be equal but the financial and economic capabilities of these companies vary. In the absence of government intervention the private sector often-low income countries, which majorly constitutes of small-scale companies and farmers, will lose their production to the stable international companies. The creation of wealth starts from the protection of the little wealth a nation or individual owns. Ambrose (2012, 45) further posits that free trade results to the flow of skilled workforce from the poor countries to the rich nations because of favorable remuneration. In this regard, the free trade exposes the poor nations to exploitation because foreign investment in the poor countries will deprive the poor of income. Services delivered by the international corporations will be sold at expensive prices in order to earn super profits. This move will be to the detriment of the vulnerable poor because per capita income in the third world countries is low. 1.4. Research Questions The research questions of concern will be: Which are the major similarities and differences between beam plus and normal office building? To what extent is the relationship vital in the determination of quality building designs? What are the benefits of beam plus and normal office building? What are the disadvantages of beam plus and normal office building? 1.5. Rationale of Research The basis of the research will be to carry out a comprehensive study on beam plus and normal office building construction methods. In order to have a successive study, the research will develop an appropriate framework on the overall research proposal. The research will highlight the problems, the track record of performance and other issues concerning beam plus and normal office building. This will help in ascertaining the exact effect of these variables on the industry. This relationship will be established through the statistical analysis of the variables of concern. 1.6. Literature Review The design of building houses is vital given that it provides authoritative guidelines on the building construction exercise. The design leads to a substantial reduction in the negative effects of poor construction on the environment. The design enhances quilt buildings, which comply with the environmental standards. The design is accepted for the accreditation of buildings. Beam construction design incorporates exclusive building planning, construction and management of all the operations pertaining to the exercise (Mittendorf, 2008). The design focuses on quality construction of buildings. The design is appropriate for buildings, which need refurbishment. The existing buildings are repaired using the same design. The beam design is applied in order to ensure that a building completes its life cycle. The method is applied during the maiden stages of a building project. The technique helps in the reduction of overall cost incurred in the construction projects (Hoit, 2011). Additionally, the users are satisfied with the technique than any other technique in building. Beam strategy promotes safety and improves the level of hygiene of the building sites. Consequently, the health of the occupants of the buildings is preserved. This leads to maintenance of clean external environments. Moreover, the building design enables energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. The method also enables the utilization of scarce building resources like water and timber. The method also enables the recycling of materials used in the construction process. Consequently, the strategy promotes good management of waste. 1.7. Research Methodology (Theoretical Framework) 1.7.1 Research design The research will employ surveying in the study because this will eliminate the need to do experiments on the variables of concern. This research design is appropriate given that it allows the use of qualitative analysis of variables. Therefore, there is no need for the use of experiments. This methodology will enhance the collection of relevant data from sampled items. There will be use of statistical analysis of the variables in order to establish the relationship existing between beam plus and normal office building. In addition, qualitative data will be obtained and subjected to the statistical analysis in order to give more detailed inference. The qualitative data will include both primary and secondary data. 1.7.2 Sampling and sampling procedures The research will carry out in-depth interviewing with professional from all the sectors under consideration. This implies that the study will be comprehensive because it will cover many issues concerning the operation of the various sectors. The professionals involved will provide the current status of construction. Then they will be required to explain in detail the relationship between the beam plus and normal office building. They will also explain the impact of changing of any of the variables under consideration, on the industry. 1.7.3 Data collection There will be collection of both primary and secondary data. The former will highlight the current state of these sectors, whereas the latter will provide information on the development of these sectors over time. According to Agyeman (2009) the data collection will focus on the various aspects of the industry. On the other hand, food security and the environment, which are determined by the independent variables, will be considered dependent variables. The interview will dictate the data collection method to be used .The relationship between the beam plus and normal office building will be established. On the other hand, secondary data will be obtained from many sources. Past research on the subject can also be utilized to provide this data. The interviewees will be experts from the various sectors thus they will be identified. Then they will be informed and requested to participate in the study. After they consent to the request, time schedules will be prepared in readiness for the event. 1.7.4 Data analysis This will involve the statistical testing of the relationship between the variables of the study. The factors which indicate the development of the sector will be assessed and analyzed in detail in a bid to establish the correlation between these beam plus and normal office building, and contribution to the industry. 1.7.5 Research Approach The research will employ a broad approach in order to cover all the issues pertaining to the study comprehensively. This will be in tandem with the objective of the study; assessment of the beam plus and normal office building on the construction industry. These are the factors which will determine the course of the industry. The natural resource endowment and the other variables are considered in explaining the industry. The study will also employ qualitative approach whereby there will be a detailed analysis of key factors with regard to beam plus and normal office building. This includes the social, political and economic issues. The policy framework of the country will assist in this analysis. Furthermore, the study will carry out detailed consideration of the performance and failures of each sector in order to obtain the marginal contribution of these effects to construction. 1.8 Conclusion The research study will be crucial because it will give an insight on what needs to be done in order to improve normal office building. The methods are unique making them nice places to visit in order to obtain new things and leisure. Some offices have good scenery and atmosphere given that a normal office building techniques have many advantages. This combination makes an office a great place to visit. This feature makes driving from one place to another to be more than a journey for any motorist. The housing of an office is accommodative because it ranges from lavish houses to affordable apartments for the low and middle income occupants. Additionally, the price of normal office building is dependent on the neighborhood. In this regard, some neighborhoods are characterized by houses built using similar designs. In this regard, people have accessibility to roads used by motor vehicles. The normal office building design also applies in shopping malls and stores, which give variety of products and services, availed to the consumer. This makes shopping an exciting experience for any person. These shopping centers and this building have diverse stores like the grocery store and other types of stores. Personnel are usually guaranteed of farm requirements given that the state provides all the farm products and equipment in various state farm stores. This enables the residents to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables at a favorable price instead of buying imported horticultural products. Normal office building ensures the building of great places to operate in because of the climatic conditions prevailing. This state has four different types of weather seasons, which make it suitable to live. This aspect makes the state suitable because people can always adjust to the weather conditions instead of having one weather season throughout the year. The décor associated with the new office building designs exhibits socio-economical progression. Additionally, the design indicates the level of financial and technological prowess of the work. The design incorporates the cost of life-cycle cost distribution. The cost coves the services offered with regard to the construction of the buildings. The designs also take into account the office facilities essential in any office. The beam plus building is the most preferred form of building for refurbishment of a building. This is because the technique incorporates efficiency, cost effectiveness and sophisticated architectural designs. On the other hand, the normal office building design is quite different from the beam plus building in many ways. For instance, the designs and architectural aspects applied for office décor are exclusive. References Hoit, M. I. (2011).Structures Congress 2011 proceedings of the 2011 Structures Congress : April 14-16, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada. Reston, Va, American Society of Civil Engineers. Mittendorf, J. (2008). Truck company operations. Saddle Brook, NJ, Fire Engineering. Rogers T. (2009). Fiber optics in buildings. Boston, MA, Information Gatekeepers. Strakosch, G. R. (2010). The vertical transportation handbook. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. Deplazes, A. (2006). Constructing architecture: materials, processes, structures : a handbook. Basel, Birkhäuser-Publishers for Architecture. Allen, E.(2012). The architects studio companion: rules of thumb for preliminary design. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley & Sons. Kevin J. (2012). Fiber optic cable designs and applications. Boston, Mass, Information Gatekeepers Inc. Holloway J. C (2010). Fiber optics primer. Boston, MA, Information Gatekeepers, Inc. Ambrose, J. E. (2012). Building structures. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. 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