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Situated Learning Theory - Essay Example

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The author of the paper "Situated Learning Theory" will begin with the statement that situated learning theory incorporates collaboration and interaction. This means that the learning process incorporates real-life experiences and examples (Brown, Collins & Duguid, 2009). …
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Situated learning provides means for the learners to solve problems meaning that learners can explore real-life situations and thus finding the appropriate answers. Moreover, this type of approach allows learners to improve their thinking and be able to improve the skills that they have learned.  The e-learning tools used E-Learning tools that are being used are ICT whereby the students are able to access learning materials from the internet mainly the Google search engine and the e-books/journals (Brown et al, 2009).

Social media like Facebook and Twitter have been very useful tools for getting information. The students are able to have group discussions with each other and find answers to their academic questions.  In this case, the tools of learning enable both group collective and individual learning. This is whereby there are options that allow the use of forums, blogs as well as a discussion board for the student. It has been useful to the students’ learning because they are able to learn about all the conditions needed in the application of knowledge, the students also get an advantage of being able to engage problem-solving skills, and invention when they learn from the Internet where the learning as been made electronic about different situations (Gail, 2004).

They are also able to see clearly the implications of the knowledge that they acquire and finally, the students are able to get support in the structuring of knowledge especially in the ways that are most appropriate hence, they are able to apply the skills and the knowledge later in their careers. The contribution of ICT (e-learning) through the social learning theory IT has played a great role in the enhancement of situation learning (Jean & Etienne 2001). Through the Internet, several materials have been put together from different cultural backgrounds hence the teachers have been able to incorporate the different forms of knowledge they learned from the information technology in the process of teaching.

IT has been embedded in the curriculum because all students need it to be able to access different information easily and from anywhere (Priscilla & Dawn, 2008). Through this, the process of learning has been made easier. This is because students are able to learn both the IT and some non-specific IT disciplines like when a student is pursuing a project that is not in the subject of IT but is able to use IT for both the research and presentation of the outcomes for the research (Lave & Wenger, 2000).

The research is meanwhile very situation-based because the student could be a science-based student trying to solve a problem existing within a particular community. After doing all the research work, he or she is able to apply the skills in IT like the use of statistical packages for social studies to analyze the data that has been collected and then presented to the concerned people for a solution (Schell & Black, 2007).

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Situated Learning Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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