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A Wider Variety of Art-Related Courses in the State University - Case Study Example

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The paper 'A Wider Variety of Art-Related Courses in the State University' presents the leading university in creative arts and other art-related courses across America and beyond. State University stands for progress and is a symbol of what arts can do to society…
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A Wider Variety of Art-Related Courses in the State University
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Strategic plan The s Vision: The vision of this is to be the leading in creative arts and other art related courses across America and beyond. State University stands for progress and is a symbol of what arts can do to a society rather than focusing on other disciplines in order for students to succeed in life. In line with, the sole purpose of this reputable institution is to help students to maximize on other ways such as arts as a way of forging their future. The other aim is to fight the long time stereotype that students majoring in the arts cannot be as successful as those taking up other causes by using alumni as examples for success. As part of its accomplishments, the State University also boasts of excelling in the various art exhibition challenges by producing the best students that have become the pride of this region, which is one of its greatest accomplishments. Ideally, this institution does not have a specific age bracket as its target, but mainly focuses on those that view their talent in art as the utmost way to earning their lives’ worth. In the future, this school of art wishes to expound its doors to include courses in music and acting to be part of its curricular programs (Rowley & Sherman, 2004). This would be in line with the realizing the dreams of the community surrounding the institution as many of the youths involve themselves in acting as part of their past time activities. Part of the institutions mandate is to reciprocate to the community’s needs, which would be impossible without the endorsement by the Board of Directors. In so doing, the State University would be able to experience growth both at corporate and at the societal level because it would be able to cable for the interests of larger population. Mission: To provide a designed undergraduate structure in media arts and design that prepares students for success and challenges in the professional world. The accomplishment of this would be increasing the institution’s research capacity and by providing a wider variety of art related courses in order to equip students with appropriate skills before competing at a global scale. As much as the institution is to increase its courses enrollment capacity, the institution pledges to maintain the quality learning standards that precede its reputation at a cost that is affordable to many. In comparison to other learning institutions within the locality, State University provides admission and enrollment to qualified students at a fee that is affordable making it to be the exceptional choice. With this, the institution aim is to help advance the learning standards of people from all ages without having primary focus on the financial gain that are achievable in this field. Therefore, the solemn pledge by State University is to uphold the quality learning standards in order to exceed the service delivery expectations that exist in the learning field. The Executive summary: Strengths One of the significant strengths that State University boasts of is the fact that of a rich legacy built for many years through hard work and determination by the faculty and the students alike. Over the years, the faculties and schools within the institution have served as academic milestones and achievers with each attaining distinctions in their individual fields. In essence, State University is a comprehensive arts institution that combines teaching with passion as way of influencing society through the learning curve. The plan purports to fuse the broader goals of the individual faculties into becoming one in order for the efforts put in by all the stakeholders to be worth. Presently, the operations of the institution stand as subunits in which each work for their individual benefit and not for the main goals for the institution. Essentially, each faculty bears its own failures while the others marvel at their individual successes without understanding that the failure of one department translates to the failure of the entire institution. In this plan, the intention would be to develop university wide goals that would replicate across the administrative, faculties and learning units as way of creating uniformity for the benefit of the whole organization (Rowley & Sherman, 2004). Other than this, the university can also use creativity and innovation as a strength as a way of influencing the various stakeholders in the institution to help advance its standing among its peers. Further, the institution should also allow for healthy competition among students and faculty members in order for the organization to experience growth and to provoke ideas that would be of help to its progress. With this, the relationship between the individual academic units and the central organization organ would improve because it would be involving and accommodating. In addition, the institution should also start enrolling foreign students to be part of its learning and teaching community as an opportunity for achieving growth and increasing its impact. The adoption of this would be significant, as this would help in building a diverse community that accommodates people from all races and different nations, which would add on to its reputation. Moreover, the institution should also venture into other courses other than arts, humanities, and sciences to include other subjects such as the business related courses in order to increase its annual student enroll ratio. In the future, it would be vital for the institution to adopt modern and appropriate practices that would ensure that the university stays afloat during challenging economic situations (Rowley & Sherman, 2004). In essence, most of the finances that this institution uses goes into extensive research in which much of it do not prove to be successful (Grenzer, 2006). The interpretation of this statement should be clear in which only proper and worthy research projects should receive funding as a way of cutting down on unfruitful expenditure. Arguably, this is not a constraint seeking to ensure that the board desists from funding the intended research, but instead means that these projects have to undergo intense vetting before receiving approval for funding. The strategic plan also includes the renewal of the institution’s faculty rather than spending more on training the faculty members to be at par with the advancements in the ever-growing learning field. This would include the laying down of some incompetent workers in the course of time through forced retirement over a period of ten to fifteen years from the time of commencement of the plan (Grenzer, 2006). Broadly, this may seem as an extreme measure, but it is a necessary sacrifice if this institution is to remain relevant in the future. Scorecard Aspirations On the contrary, there is need to improve on the infrastructural aspects for the institution as much as the costs tend to be unaffordable, but this is highly likely to influence results for students. Some of the infrastructures that would need upgrade include the library and research facilities in order to accommodate the increasing traffic by students in the hallways. The implication is that the institution would change its response to include the setting up priorities when allocating funding to the various projects. This would also foster the need to establish other ways of generating funding for the institution with the ever decreasing state funding by taking advantage of the available opportunities as a way of fostering academic improvement within the coming five years. Future goals The strategic plan is in tandem with the university’s intention to be a reputable institution and among the top most research facilities in America and in the world through offering the fundamental knowledge. Further, the provision of practical learning concepts should be able to continue producing graduates that are able to tackle societal and world problems effectively and wisely. In breaking down this goal, this State University intends to bridge ideas with practice and thought with action in order for students to be able to apply realistic approaches to societal challenges. In addition, the institution will also continue to offer strong programs for learning that are in line with achieving excellence in academics (Grenzer, 2006). Therefore, this institution will continue to provide leadership in academics across all its faculties by applying strategies that are applicable to each in order to yield the desired results. The other aspiration that the institution has is to build ties with other learning institutions as way of fostering educational relationships. This would help students in accessing credible institutions that would help them advance their academic objectives with ease because of the seamless learning boundaries. Lastly, the strategic plan seeks to increase the excellent standards of the institution at both the faculty and the university in general. The objective of the plan does not target specific individuals, but aims at improving the education programs in the institution and promoting leadership excellence. Therefore, the suggested measures would be gradual, will ensure that all parties involved receive compensation, and made to understand that the process did not target them personally. In so doing, this institution will be on the path towards achieving excellence in teaching and in performance, which is the basic intent of any organization that desires progress. References Grenzer, J. W. (2006). Developing and implementing a corporate university. Amherst (Mass.: HRD Press. Rowley, D. J., & Sherman, H. (2004). Academic planning: The heart and soul of the academic strategic plan. Lanham, Md: University Press of America. Read More
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A Wider Variety of Art-Related Courses in the State University Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1.
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A Wider Variety of Art-Related Courses in the State University Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words - 1.
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