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Self-Assessment Of The Strategic Learning Process - Essay Example

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This essay discusses the self-assessment of the strategic learning process. The author evaluates his strategic learning scheme, outlines the rubrics he use to assess his interest and subsequent performance in the relevant fields using time management and other skills…
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Self-Assessment Of The Strategic Learning Process
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SELF-ASSESSMENT OF MY STRATEGIC LEARNING PROCESS By Due In the 21st century, the process oflearning necessitates students to take charge of their learning progress and make it a personal initiative for self-advancement. Students make use of the vast sources of information to fulfill their academic and personal needs. Self-assessment entails the development of an internally structured standard that compares the daily progressive performance to those standards. The teachers have the duty to assess how explicit the student learning process is but the students have a task to assess their motivation as well as attitude. It is a self-reflective process of metacognition. The evaluation of one’s skills in strategic learning is a critical part of the school curricular program. It entails the student reflecting on the abilities, strengths and weakness in the tackling of the everyday work at school. Since historical times at the invention of the formal education system, teachers used academic performance as the driving tool to determine the excellence for the students. Conveniently, this provides a framework and a record of results that reflect on the student is thinking capabilities. However, this makes the students less equipped in handling day-to-day life situations. Time to time, oral presentation in class gives a reflection of the oratory skills of the students and can be harnessed and perfected for good public speaking skills. In addition, make-up, and personal tutorials help to build the culture of critical thinking as the student are engaged in the explanation of the answers. It offers a better platform for the students to assess their personal capabilities in their academics and general mindset. The teacher can capitalize on this by asking the student a one on one question to evaluate how well they answer the questions. My learning culture is very progressive putting into consideration the previous class evaluations. I am not blowing anything out of proportion and being a victim of the Lake Wobegon effect of thinking beyond my capabilities. Despite not putting the best of effort due to the co-curricular activities, I still manage to register excellent scores. It has culminated from the fact that I represent the school in much of the outdoor curricular activities. I have attended student-led conferences in which I presented an article before the teachers and the parents. It gave me opportunities to reflect finally on my oratory skills that I have been practicing over a period. I had a well-prepared portfolio prior to the conference day that assisted and guided me during the day of the presentation. Good to note that it is the students themselves that select their subject of interest. However, the teacher ensures that the students understand the purpose of the portfolio in the demonstration of the students strength and weakness. The efficient use of the collections helps in understanding the development needs in accordance with the achievement of my previously set goals. In my evaluation of a strategic learning scheme, I capitalize on the use of rubrics as a ways assessing myself interest and subsequent performance in the same fields. During my first assessment test, I used a module provided for by the teacher to set the list of learning activities and give a precise description of the relevant aspects. The teachers provided for the rubrics in an effort to facilitate the students’ evaluation exercise. Over the short period, I have monitored by quality performance in learning related activities and mastered the learning skills as I amass knowledge. The progress reports give me performance details for each activity in the learning process and reflect them against the set targets. At the offset of all work, I do an evaluation on the goals to check on the achievements against those that were not and try to understand why some of the activities were hard to achieve. That is the basic plan of my personal program for learning. The value of self-evaluation for the students lies in the ability to improve their thinking capacity. As part of my concrete and solid evaluation plan, I use set learning targets as a way of interacting with my studies at an even personal level. An intrinsic part ensures continuous involvement in the production of work aimed at realizing these goals. Over time, I go ahead and raise the bar a notch higher as a form of challenge to get better and better. For example, if step into the library with an aim of discovering a single plant’s life in the marine environments and get that it was too easy and first in the acquisition of the necessary materials. The next mission for my visit would be to look for the information of the plants that belong to the whole of that species. My learning strategy is such that it poses a challenge for me to achieve something bigger. It inculcates the work culture in me that is a fundamental prerequisite in my line of career. In practice, I use some of the teacher’s assistance in the handling of some material that becomes hard to understand. The teacher’s explanation helps to demystify the concepts making them simple and easy to grasp. My set learning targets are very accurate in terms of being exacts and detailed as to what mainly am supposed to achieve. Overall, I try to keep them as real as possible not to blow everything out of proportions and become over-ambitious in my studies. In cases where I find the targets a little bit daunting to achieve, I split the goal into a series of steps to increase the probability of my learning success. All my learning objectives rely on the course of work at the school. They ran in tandem in terms of the extra study work having a definite positive correlation between the present learning at the school. It improves the relevance of the targets and helps in the better understanding of the subjects taught in the classes. Additionally, a time-based learning program forms the core of my learning strategy. In other words, every target has a specific period for its accomplishment. The evaluation of these time bound learning activities during self-assessment is easy and keeps track of the speed of performance to the second. In addition, time management is critical to the management and the organization of the projected tasks. It is an essential aspect in my self-assessment form as it stipulates how my time spreads out and balances during the day. Self-assessment is one of the significant tools for learning in my library that I have incorporated into my learning. The strategy gives a vivid self-reflection of the progress work and my learning activities throughout the day. It gives a sense of self-awareness and embrace a study and learning culture that finally boosts my mental threshold. Through interrogation of the subjects that I tackle, I can have a deep understanding and knowledge for further research. Simply stated, it provides a stable framework for thoughts and assists in the clarification and prioritization of behaviors and actions. It gives the learning process a breath of life and makes it more fun and enjoyable. One of the best ways that I ensure quality work is in the daily evaluation of my learning activities. Nevertheless, I sometimes check out for other work and evaluate them. The internalization of critical work improves the way I lay out my learning strategy. Using this criterion, I assess the feedback of fictitious students and inculcate the good aspects into my development plan. A checklist gives me the main outline as to how I go about seeing advice and insight from my fellow students’ work. For a successful self-evaluation, the learning centers, and classroom environments must offer the necessary support. It is only students that trust one another who can provide constructive feedback to their colleagues. In our class, the tradition of checking into the next person work plan is well rooted. Many a times, we deliberately engage in discussions about the lessons learned in class and build so much in the understanding of the subject. In this sort of reflection, the students evaluate their language skills to put forth constructive arguments and lay down their thoughts that reference the knowledge of the subject (Andrade & Valtcheva 2009). My contribution to these discussions has proven to be quite motivational with addressing topics that some students would have a clue of what it to be brushing shoulders with knowledge. Over the course of the module, I have mastered the art of monitoring my learning process and capitalizing on my time. On the brighter side, participation in discussions in groups helps reassure our teachers of their paid efforts for the many tutorial hours they spend in class. When students firmly take sides on a controversial topic, it improves the development of a critical for my classmates and me. From the start, I use my portfolios to organize my work systematically and display my achievement in particular fields. To top it up, I use weekly assessment with my mentor who assesses my weekly progressive report. Reference Andrade H. and Valtcheva, A., 2009, Promoting Learning and Achievement through Self-Assessment, Theory into Practice, Vol 48. Read More
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Self-Assessment Of The Strategic Learning Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words.
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Self-Assessment Of The Strategic Learning Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words.
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