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Decision Making Process - Case Study Example

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This essay describes separating administrative functions into divisions has been seen as a way of separating responsibilities so that there is the division of labor. This makes everyone be placed at the division where they can exercise well their expertise…
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Decision Making Process
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Decision Making Process Introduction The principals feel that every time they agree to some decisions at the District, the centralization of control increases there. However, separating administrative functions into divisions has been seen as a way of separating responsibilities so that there is division of labor. This makes everyone be placed at the division where they can exercise well their expertise. Question 1: From the way the principals are arguing in the case study provided, it is very clear that principals are always against the centralized controls. Such a negative reaction could be because the principals feel that the more are being exercised at the District each and every time. They are, therefore, forced to react negatively to all other future events that seem to centralize the controls even further. They then assume the negative reaction to most of such attempts when anything becomes controversial in the District. To support my conclusion here, we find that, in the case study, almost all principals spoke in opposition to what the business administrator recommended. By saying that through elimination of the funds, the District want to have another way of centralizing administration, they mean that the District has had other ways earlier, and this is just another such ways. It, therefore, shows that, they are now trying not to allow the district continue centralizing the controls anymore. The principals also comment that every time they try to turn around, things become centralized in the district. It means, therefore, that, they already have no trust in the district administration and will most of the time not agree with any of their steps to centralize controls. Question 2: When administrative functions are divided into organizational divisions, it becomes easy for the administration to have a clear control over the two divisions distinctively. First, there is a division of labor manifested, therefore, only specialized professionals in a given division are selected to work there to provide good results[Shi12] (page #2 lines #1-4). Therefore, while dividing the administrative functions into organizations, one is simply dividing the work to be done within those small divisions or departments. The work and responsibilities that will be assigned to individuals or departments will be based on the professional qualification as well as the experience of the work force in that department. The divisions also clusters jobs into units, hence making it easy for control, monitoring and evaluation purposes[Shi12] (page #5 lines 1-6). Divisional structures also focuses on results. The divisional managers are made to be responsible or take charge of the responsibility of whatever happens to their services at the division[Shi12] (page #26 lines 9-10). Therefore, in case of anything, there is a clear way of investigating or inquiring whoever is responsible for it. This increases accountability at the divisional levels of administration. Question 3 The possible disadvantages of dividing administrative functions into organizational divisions include possible claim of centralization of control, conflicts in roles and duties of the divisions. In this case, we find that the division may complain of another division's sole role in centralizing control. When functions of a given division are being carried out in such a way that they tend to bring control to that organization, then the other division will complain about centralization of power. One will also find a particular division trying to perform the duties and roles of another division. Such a disorder brings conflict in roles and duties, hence there will be controversy in the administration. Question 4: Using committees to make administrative decisions is one step that is very advantageous. First, committees have that pool of knowledge and experience that can best make informed decisions[Kul14] (page #1 lines #1-5). Here, several people from different fields of experience come together to share their knowledge. The resulting decision must be very informed. Committees also act as a means of communication by both members and the organization while communicating to each other. It, therefore, leads to an informed communication system. Committee is also a possible way through which concentration of too much authority in a given person that can lead to abuse of power, is avoided. It, therefore, leads to democratic management. Through the use of committees, there is also equal representation of interests where members who represent different interests are chosen to form a committee. Question 5: In committees, however, there is a lot of misuse of resources such as financial and time in convening the meetings and paying for allowances. Therefore, committees are very costly. Committees that are formed to find solutions between two conflicting sides might end up compromising the two conflicting viewpoints. They then might come up with a mediocre decision that reflects none of the conflicting viewpoints. It, therefore, leads to compromising decisions. A few members of the committee who turns out to be too vocal ends up dominating the committee. Their viewpoints will, therefore, carry the day, which might not exactly be the viewpoint of the whole group. It is also very difficult to maintain a state of secrecy on the issues discussed since a large number of members are involved. Lastly, no member of the committee can be liable for the final decision of the committee. It is because, the decision from this committee is assumed to be the unanimous decision of all members of the committee. Therefore, all responsibilities from the decisions made are shared among all members of the committee. Conclusion In a nutshell, administrative functions need to be separated into organizational division to make the divisional heads responsible for their actions. In case of any misunderstanding that requires decision making, a committee needs to be formed which is representative of all the parties to come up with a biased decision. However, committees should also be controlled not to come up with mediocre decisions in their attempt not to side with any group. References Shi12: , (Shivendu & Dasgupta, 2012), Kul14: , (Kuldeep, 2014), Read More
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