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Consumer Behaviour in the Ethnic Food Market - Personal Statement Example

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This personal statement "Consumer Behaviour in the Ethnic Food Market" shows that it must serve a great purpose in the near future. It maybe comprise of new ideas or an idea that would strengthen or correct something that had been previously thought and stated…
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Consumer Behaviour in the Ethnic Food Market
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Personal Reflection Dissertation is not simply a manner of completing requirements. It must serve a great purpose in the near future. It maybe comprise of new ideas or an idea that would strengthen or correct something that had been previously thought and stated. Moreover, it must be a research work that would be of significance upon discovery of new profound knowledge, must possess a question with an answer that will make a difference and contribute something new that is also of use. Self-reliance is necessary to come up with an effective dissertation. Sense of independence and ability to work under minimal supervision must be greatly applied since it does not follow a specific time frame. With that, one must be able to come up with his/her own schedule and strictly adhere to it. This kind of liberty has somehow made the process intimidating. Writing a dissertation primarily entails the hard task of simultaneously coming up with a significant design. At the start, I have to let myself be open to every input such as lectures and class discussions, books and articles I read, might as well to journals I encountered. To refrain from losing the important facts and information, I have to put things that interest me into a journal. I've also tried doing some sort of research or survey wherein I have asked elder students and even faculties on what types of topics did they have for dissertation and have let them share their experiences as they come along the process. Their stories have somehow served as my inspiration and a challenge to do my best with such tedious and get fulfilling task. These motivations and the knowledge that my study could be of great contribution and significance in the future researches had kept me going. With my limited knowledge on major scholarly topics that are most important in my field, and having the great topics already used up; I have to do some general reading in the field to come up with a significant and original topic. I have began reading few books and articles on topics that interest me and ended up reading footnotes, bibliographies and their suggested readings. After that, I spoke to my tutor about some general ideas and possible research directions I would want to pursue and seek guidance with regards to defining scope manageability. Considering the scope manageability and the significance of the continuously rising Halal market particularly in Tesco retail setting, we have agreed that I should focus on that topic. With the help of my tutor, I manage to have a firm grasp of the facts in my case, and have been dedicated to answer vital "why" and "how" questions within the topic. Trends and outcomes in ethic food marketing, as well as their causes must be dealt with despite their apparent unavailability. Dissertation involves series of intricate process that needs full attention, hard work, and consistency. Coming up with the mere title is rather challenging. The author must come up with a clear, succinct, simple yet fully explanatory and can perfectly reflect the content of the whole document. After long reflection, several rejections and experts advice, I finally came up with the title "Consumer Behavior in the Ethnic Food Market", believing that it will best suit my topic in the clearest and simplest manner. This is then succeeded with review of literature, a considerably long part of the whole paper that supposed to provide the reader with a summary of the current knowledge related to the topic to be studied. I have learned to utilize all great facilities in the universities. After filing some initial paperwork from graduate school, I immediately began with my review of literature. Reading thru all the files I have gathered, I was somewhat disappointed to find out that some of it was actually irrelevant if not far from what I should focus on. I must have been very eager to gather an enormous information by only looking at their titles and carelessly browsing its contents, that I have failed to realize that I those would just take me out of my topic. Eliminating what I think I would not need, I have tried to write my review of literature. Coming up with such long text was rather complicated because of some missing details that I would need to support my future arguments. After quoting and rephrasing every necessary data on my researched files I have waste no time and organize it. Having it arranged, I have clearly seen the missing details. Now I have to do some more research to fill those missing parts. Personally, I've found it hard to keep my focus on my topic being confronted with numerous interesting issues I came to discover upon researching. With that I have to dig into primary sources, those that would take me as close as possible to the facts from which I will construct my essential arguments. I have to be creative enough to figure out how to assemble enough evidence using the skills and resources that I have in order to make a clear and sustainable argument based on powerful and credible sources. It became a challenge for me to have the paper shown a strong point that signifies further study on that same subject as I provide the reader with a review of what was already know of it. After being done with the literature review, I have to indulge myself into a slight pause. This was to somehow keep me away from sanity since I've been so exhausted with my previous exertions and the awareness that I am yet to face a far more tedious task, the methodology. My success on coming up with what I consider an adequate review have regained my vigor. Soon it had kept my hands and mind busy trying to analyze what should be my next move. Taking into account its practicality and its reliability, I've chose to employ questionnaire method of gathering data. This has been a convenient way of gathering the necessary information from actual persons that speaks well as my subjects, making the data acceptable and noteworthy. The difficult part here is the floating process and the assurance that the subjects will take the survey seriously. Thus, the floater must make it convenient for the subjects to answer it truthfully without any bias. Having the survey results all tallied, it is time to relate those data to all possible information I have previously wrote in the dissertation. I have used tables and charts for the data to be presented in a clear and comprehensible manner. But analysis is not all there is, I must write to convey my message and learning to my readers. I must be able to come up with comprehensive and viable explanations. May it be in favor or contradicting; the findings must be related with the past literatures. As this study tackles consumer behavior in the ethnic food market, it had helped me develop and apply most business theories learn during academic undertakings. It had divulged my personal research interest; theoretical influences and that had helped me define my professional identity. This paper had also developed my commitment to this chosen area of study. At some point of the process, intricacies and questionings have arisen. Problems like being committed to the topic and how to start with it had been very stressful. External and internal intricacies had made the process more difficult than it has to be. With these, personal reflection and understanding had helped me; moreover, advice from the right persons had surely been a great relief. These struggles had force me to developed time management skill. Several trials helped me discover my most productive hours and space. I learn to get rid of things that could distract me and have developed rituals of work that makes me more productive. Reviewing previous literatures had developed my research strategies and resourcefulness. Having to conduct the survey, this had developed my communication skills that I would be of great relevance to any of my further undertakings. Dealing with the survey numbers, it had allowed me to think analytically, an area that a business professional should be proficient. Synthesizing complicated information out of these findings had strengthened my writing capabilities and organizational skills. Despite conquering all external conflicts, internal issues at times had slowed my work. Procrastination inevitably comes being faced with such tons of work loads from the dissertation as well as my other concerns. During these null times, strong motivation and commitment to my dissertation had kept me going. This paper has taught me to write and achieve something even at times when I felt like almost quitting. It had made me developed the will to complete a complicated, long-term project as a habit that will serve me well in the near future. This dissertation has allowed me as its researcher and author to have a transition of knowledge and skills from a student to scholar level. Having to work on a self-directed process this had developed my independence and confidence as well. Upon completion of this dissertation, it is not just the passing college requirement that I've overcome rather my own personal uncertainty. This paper have effectively provide a concrete, hands-on experience in the primary research methods of the discipline, and had prepared me for the type of exploration that I would possibly dealt in my future practice as a professional. It had help me develop my ability to analyze, interpret, and synthesize information. It had made me acknowledge and appreciate past literatures and prior studies related to my own research, and their success as well as failures has served as my motivation to exert may best effort. I learn to describe methods and procedures, know their effectively and how to present them in orderly and logical manner possible. It helped me develop the ability to rationalize, interpret and converse the meaning of results. This dissertation has changed my view of contemporary marketing. Like most people, I have once taught that marketing is all about campaign, associating it with mere visual advertising and promotion. They're very important, but useless without having a sound basis of knowledge. Moreover, marketing tactics should be based on analysis. Marketing analysis basically speaks of the customer. Discerning customer means having complete understanding of their behavior, motivation, preference and perception. It means having a profound understanding of their attitudes, their knowledge and their emotions. Without having this knowledge, the tactics of marketing are just nonsense. Surely tactics work, it's up for the marketers for their market to pay attention. With that, the marketer would be able to proper segmentation. Tesco's stand on Halal marketing considering local ethnic food retailers have strongly implied that marketing is also about competition. Understanding competitive forces in includes reactions, their objectives and capabilities rather than just having a list of company names. Moreover, this paper have proves that the company's ability serves as a very important factor to retain its market survival. This pertains to financial abilities such as employee's compensation as well as product and service culture. Additionally, relationship with suppliers must always be considered. My adviser had encouraged me to explore my topic with the idea that I have developed. Without its state of the art learning center, high speed internet connection as well as helpful staffs, researching could have been twice as hard. By forcing me to ask questions, find the sources to answer them, presenting the answers to my audience, and defending them against detractors; this paper has been an effective self teaching device. And I believe there could not be any better way to hone those useful skills of lifetime learning than writing this research paper. This dissertation has been so effective in teaching how to manage my time wisely. It had force me to work spontaneously since I have to work fast not only because of the deadline but due to the fact that I soon have to travel and attend to my other business. I have learned that a dissertation is more than a puffed up book report, containing restated notes from insubstantial resources, rather present powerful evidence based on reliable sources. It must weave these facts together so that they form an argument that answers the research question and adhere to its objectives. Read More
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