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Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses - Assignment Example

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The paper “Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses” defines brick and mortar business as an organization that possesses a store or building to carry out their operations. The name is a metonym taken from the traditional housing materials linked to physical structures such as bricks and mortar…
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Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses
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Difference among Brick and Mortar BusinessesMarketingQuestion 1: Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses, Web Stores and Catalog BusinessesThe term brick and mortar business refers to an organization that possesses a store or building to carry out their operations. The name is a metonym taken from the traditional housing materials linked to physical structures such as bricks and mortar. Brick and mortar was used first in 1992. Brick and mortar businesses are organizations that offer face-to-face customer experiences.

This name is used to contrast a transitory business, for instance an online shop, which lack physical presence for a customer to buy from them directly (Recklies 53). Online companies have non-public physical amenities from which they carry out business operations, as well as warehousing for mass physical product distribution and storage. Web stores refer to a form of electronic business whereby clients directly buy products from a seller over the Internet with no an intermediary service (Recklies 57).

Web stores are also referred to as online shops. An online shop excludes the physical equivalence of buying goods or services at shopping centers or bricks-and-mortar retailers. The process is referred to a business-to-consumer (B2C) Internet shopping. When a company buys from another company it is referred to as B2B online shopping. B2B stands for business-to-business. The largest online retailing businesses are as well as EBay. They are both based in the United States.A catalog business is also another form of retailing.

The business trades in a wide variety of personal products as well as household. Most catalog businesses emphasize on jewelry. Unlike a self-serve retail shop, a majority of the items in the catalog shop are not displayed. Clients pick the products from written catalogs in the shop and fill out an order paper. The order is taken to the sales desk, where a clerk fetches the items from the warehouse to a payment and checkout desk. The catalog business has lower prices than other traders plus lower expenses because of the smaller size of store (Recklies 60).

Question 2: The Expected and Augmented Value Chain ElementsA restaurant’s value chain should incorporate producers, aggregators, processors, distributors, wholesale buyers, farmers markets, consumers plus a wide variety of essential supporters (Recklies 156). Casa Nueva, a restaurant in Athens, had been purchasing local plus practicing season expansion in its own for many years. The restaurant has, however, in the recent days, been applying the value chains elements, and its sells have boosted up.

Value chains for resort hotels are corporate value, price/cost, customer retention, customer access, product and service, ecosystem as well as emotions (Recklies 250). If any resort hotel, caters for these entire elements then it should expect a booming business in its facilities. Value chains for local banks are input suppliers, producers, traders, wholesalers, exporters, national retailers as well as global retailers (Recklies 368). Value chain elements in banking offer a critical input to the amplified rivalry of an economic sector by assisting a bank to expand and compete more effectively than other banks.

In conclusion, a local bank should improve on these elements in it wants to fight the harsh competition from other banks.ReferenceRecklies, Dagmar. The Value Chain. New York: Free Press, 2009. Print.

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