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Fashion Design Enterprises in Italy - Case Study Example

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The current study aims “Fashion Design Enterprises in Italy” are the descriptive and comparative analysis of Italian and Chinese textile industry, and aimed to establish and describe the measures required for Italian industry to compete with China…
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Fashion Design Enterprises in Italy
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The role of outsourcing should be emphasized as an important strategy for Italian fashion firms to compete with the dirty cheap products offered by Chinese firms.Another unique contributing factor for these firms can be the improvement in supply chain management in order to meet the specific needs of the customers. In addition, both Chinese and Italian organizations can work together in order to improve business conditions. While keeping in view the case of Italian industry in competition with China, Italy should use innovation as an approach to competing with China’s low-cost products.

On the other hand, Italy can co-operate with Chinese manufacturers and use it as outsourcing base to its own benefit.I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who have been in the completion of this paper. First, my mentor, who has been very patient in guiding me throughout this undertaking. I would also like to thank the Italian managers who have dedicated their time and thoughts. I would also like to thank my friends and loved ones that have supported me until the completion of the paper.

Lastly, I would like to thank our Lord Almighty for giving me the fortitude to accomplish this feat. To you be all the glory!The rise of the Chinese textile industry is a major driver of change in the textile industry scenario at the international market level. There are many pros and cons of the trend. There are many factors that create a global environment for the textiles sector, such as efficient and the low cost of transportation, efficient logistics from production to the counter, new and changing consumer patterns, and harmonization of trade legislation.

All these developments are supported by the penetration of information and communication.

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Fashion Design Enterprises in Italy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 Words - 1.
“Fashion Design Enterprises in Italy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 Words - 1”, n.d.
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