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Organizational Behavior - Case Study Example

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Leadership is basically centered on people as one needs to inspire, steward and direct people towards a common objective. A leader who has built a strong amiable relationship with her peers would have an easier way of…
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Organizational Behavior Study Case
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Teacher CASE 13: The New Vice President Being well liked is one of the key traits of leadership. Leadership is basically centered on people as one needs to inspire, steward and direct people towards a common objective. A leader who has built a strong amiable relationship with her peers would have an easier way of leading them. Being too close to one’s peers however also have its own draw back because the leader may not be taken seriously or she may be accused of playing favorites thus undermining her leadership in the organization.

In the case of Jennifer Treeholm, there is no question that she is well liked and for a good reason. The reason why she is well liked is not because she is just nice. Jennifer is well liked because people just knew they could count on her and thus making her popular. She also has manifested traits of leadership beginning on the early days of his career which signify that her leadership skills are genuine and is not a pretension just to get the post. Her leadership achievements included helping to form the first union, getting grants, writing skits for the faculty clubs annual follies, and going out of her way to befriend everyone who needed support.

In addition, she also has an inexorable source of energy which is essential for leaders. She also knew the university well having built her career there. She was the President of the Faculty Senate and served as vice president for 10 years and handled difficult issues such as academic complaints and overseeing several committees. Jennifer however is not the perfect candidate for the position because she lacked outside experience and her strength could also be the source of her weakness. Essentially, Jennifer Treeholm’s experience only revolved around Mid West University.

This means that she lack the diversity of experience and exposure to the professional world. She is also extremely close to her peers which may not work well when she becomes President because it may cloud her objectivity running the danger of playing favorites. Their every-Friday-night watering hole is also not healthy if she becomes President because it would be considered inappropriate for a university president to be on a drinking binge with her subordinates. Weighing Jennifer Treeholm’s strength against her weakness however still does not make her a lesser option or a bad option for the post.

Her weakness can be easily overcome if she chose to. She has a Ph.D and most likely knows that being too close to a one group of people is not good especially if they are their subordinates. She could instead maintain that professional distance. With regard to the lack of inexperience, great leaders knows their weaknesses and have others complement it. After the hiring freeze will be lifted and she be lucky to be chosen as the next university president, she could hire faculties and vice presidents who possess more experience than she has to complement her weakness. and 3. What are her strengths?

Her weaknesses? What is the basis for your assessment?

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