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GLOBAL citizenship: expand in depth following paper which will be uploaded - Essay Example

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According to his theory of human capital, workers with higher education level perform better at work than the less educated ones (Halaby 2006, p.5). Human capital is the most important resource a firm has thus managers have to…
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GLOBAL citizenship: expand in depth following paper which will be uploaded
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Gary Beckers human capital model what it tells us? Gary Becker linked productivity to education level. According to his theory of human capital, workers with higher education level perform better at work than the less educated ones (Halaby 2006, p.5). Human capital is the most important resource a firm has thus managers have to be keen to get the best-trained human capital who will work better for the firm. The premise further contends training can assume varied forms, which are either general or specific.

An individual undergoing general training is effected by the firm that incurs expense of ensuring imparting of the specific knowhow takes place, hence pay it. Human capital can also be available of job experience, which an employee acquires while working. Consequently, this enhances human capital’s output as well as efficiency especially when undertaking a specific task. Human capital cost can be either direct or indirect which Gary Becker links to personal decisions. An individual ascertains whether to spend on studies, incur the cost of foregoing other things in life and expenses linked to education.

Suppose he or she prefers studying, this turns being a benefit based on how the employment sector presently has turned to be competitive. This in return avails one with several benefits, for instance, good remuneration whose enjoyment can be solely via bettering oneself and in turn have lasting payback. MIGRATION- what causes migration? Why is migration a difficult issue in UK? Migration is caused by social, political and economic factors. Social issues causing migration include religion, when a person’s religion of choice is not accepted, racial discrimination and a person’s sexuality.

Most countries laws are against same sex relationship thus such couples opt to migrate to where laws favour them. Political reasons for migration include insecurity in the country and political instability. Economic factors causing migration is searching for higher income and favourable trading environment. UK has strict rules governing migration. The government keeps track of all migrants and aims at reducing migration into the country. Though the rate of migration into the country is still higher than that of migration outside, the UK government is determined to control migration so as to manage population growth through migration.

Basic theory of labour market In the labour market, buyers and seller trade competitively with each other. Labour is not homogeneous thus increasing competition in the market. Workers preference for work over leisure differ so does their preference for monetary and non-monetary rewards. Difference between workers is also present in their educational level, skills, expertise, and experience in the field. Division of labour gives rise to occupational labour. The minimum wage also influences labor by either heightening its demand or lessening it.

Augmenting in this case as per the regime’s legislation shifts demand to downwards inclination. Labor despite exhibiting an increase or decline also determines its market characteristic especially in terms of employment. Increase normally lessens wages, which in turn yields to heightened joblessness whereas the converse elevates wages thus unequaled workforce demand. Several premises expound more regarding these scenarios with the Classical theory contending free market coupled with influential trade unions significantly contributing to joblessness.

Keynes regarding the same issue contends lessening of merchandise normally augments unemployment due to labor demand decline. WHAT are the issues of global citizenship? Global citizenship is where all people are citizens of the globe so that there is no restriction based on country of origin. The idea is to unite all people together for a better globe. With the various global challenges coming up, there is a need for global citizenship to be able to solve them. However, global citizenship faces challenges, including insufficient leadership, traditional teaching styles focused on passing exams, outdated teaching material and lack of experience in global citizenship.

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“GLOBAL Citizenship: Expand in Depth Following Paper Which Will Be Essay”, n.d.
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