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Economic Activity about Crepe Restaurant in Japan - Essay Example

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Japan is ranked the fourth country in the world by nominal GDP, and it is among the largest in purchasing power with a GDP of $4.902 trillion in 2013. The country is among the eight most developed countries, and its economy depends more on electronics and automobile industries and its exports. It is currently the largest creditor country…
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Economic Activity about Crepe Restaurant in Japan
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Economic Activity about Crepe Restaurant in Japan Japan is ranked the fourth country in the world by nominal GDP, and it is among the largest in purchasing power with a GDP of $4.902 trillion in 2013. The country is among the eight most developed countries, and its economy depends more on electronics and automobile industries and its exports. It is currently the largest creditor country (Flath, p. 13). The per capita GDP of japan was estimated to be $36,899, which was the 22nd highest in 2013.

The country’s GDP is dependent on industry (27.5%), agriculture (1.2%) and services (71.4%). This means the food industry, falling under the services has a good chance. With this per capita income, only about 15% of the population is below the poverty line with at least 73% of adults aged between 15 and 64 years in paid employment. The mean household income per capita is 25 066 USD a year ( The Crepe Restaurant establishment will have to consider the chances of flourish of the food industry, the water and sanitation sector, as well as the import industry.

This is because to prepare food in a restaurant, and there are commodities that have to be imported and used locally. However, the activity will also be closely related to the agriculture industry to ensure that most of the necessary supplies are purchased from the local markets. The agriculture industry is performing well, contributing to around 1.2% of the country GDP. The Crepe restaurant will also be related to the alcohol and beverages industry. This is because alcoholic beverages are part of the diet (Flath, p. 27). Although the Japanese do not take much alcohol, their interaction with the foreigners working in the country has changed the perception.

It is, therefore, common to find alcohol as part of the normal dishes. The restaurant business in japan is growing at a higher rate than most of other industries. This is due to industrialisation which attracts industrial tourists into the country. Crepe Restaurant will be successful in this economic environment. With most of the people employed, there is a likelihood that most people will afford the meals. Further, the economic condition in the industries do not allow most people to make their food.

This means that more people are using the restaurants for their meals. Using local recipes will, therefore, help to identify with the people and the hasten establishment. Works cited Flath, David. Japanese Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA, 2014. Accessed October 17, 2014. Web. OECD Better Life Index. Japan.

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