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Business Research Discussion Week 6 - Essay Example

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By process, this includes the span of time within which users gaze from one portal to another and determines the information being viewed or accessed by the user. As…
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Business Research Discussion Week 6
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Mazda and Syzygy: Business Research Discussion Week 6 al Affiliation Mazda and Syzygy: Business Research Discussion Week 6 What could Mazda learn from eye-tracking software that would be difficult to learn from other observational techniques?Mazda could learn the process by which users focus their attention to while navigating its official website. By process, this includes the span of time within which users gaze from one portal to another and determines the information being viewed or accessed by the user.

As such, the eye-tracking software traces with information was most appealing or catchy and which enabled connection to purchase or sale, as the primary purpose of the site.What other techniques might have been incorporated to help Mazda assess the usability of its website? Why would those have helped?Other techniques which might have been incorporated to increase the usability of the website is a brief survey that aims to collect feedback from the users. The technique would enable gathering of pertinent information which were not captured in the eye-tracking software, such as the suggestions on improvement and assessment of usability from the users’ perspectives.

As emphasized, “while the observation method may be used to describe a wide variety of behavior, cognitive phenomena such as attitudes, motivations, and preferences cannot be observed. As a result, observation research cannot provide an explanation of why a behavior occurred or what actions were intended” (Zikmund, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2012, p. 236). Therefore, the brief survey or questionnaire would collect information on attitudes or preferences which could not have been made possible with pure eye-technique (or observation) method.

What advantages exist of one research design over the other with regard to measuring the physiological reactions of research participants? What might be some ethical implications of observational methods? Under what circumstances might it be considered profiling?The advantage of the eye-tracking software is in measuring the physiological reactions through the natural tendencies of responding to visual appeal. The benefit of soliciting information through a brief survey is that the incorporation of cognitive skills that rationalize focusing on information deemed to be appealing or catchy.

The observation methods should abide by standards of ethics in terms of soliciting the approval of participants in the research. Profiling is defined as “the recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people” (Oxford University Press, 2014, p. 1). As such, the eye-tracking software falls within the profiling aspect since the information gathered enables Mazda to determine particular aspects (or profile) of users who exhibit defined characteristics, behavior, and traits that ultimately lead to intent or actual purchase of their product.

Consider what it would be like to participate in this kind of an observation. How might knowing that you are being observed change your behavior?Actually, knowing that one is being observed would somehow change one’s behavior in terms of being more cognizant of the response and reaction that are to be made. One could react differently when alone or unobserved and respond in another way when being observed by other people to conform to social norms so as not to be judged or evaluated in a negative manner.

Therefore, the outcome would be different when one knows that somebody is observing one’s behavior.ReferencesOxford University Press. (2014). Profiling. Retrieved from, W., Babin, B., Carr, J., & Griffin, M. (2012). Business Research Methods. Cengage Learning, Inc.

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