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Personal statement - Essay Example

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My interest in the business industry became noticeable around 4 years ago, after participating in a three-day event at my preparatory school (Ruqayya Preparatory Independent School), which gives students a valuable opportunity to try the world of business. During those days, I…
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Personal ment Personal ment My interest in the business industry became noticeable around 4 years ago, after participating in a three-day event at my preparatory school (Ruqayya Preparatory Independent School), which gives students a valuable opportunity to try the world of business. During those days, I used to buy different goods from the emporium with my mother, price and sell them the next day at my own booth. I decorated some handmade brochures and posted them all over the school to market the business.

This experience helped me to further understand the importance of communication, which is an essential skill in business. My interest in business grew with time. Also, there was a time when I had to help both my sister and cousin in their business. They were selling souvenir gifts for several celebration events, such as national day, weddings and Henna nights. I took the responsibility of dealing with costumers, receiving their calls and coordinating with them. Furthermore, I came up with beneficial ideas for marketing their products.

We started with an official Instagram account to display photographs of their work and we supported this by placing advertisements in daily newspapers. Our elegant souvenirs won the admiration of many people and we did transactions with a quantum of well known companies. Handling such customers demanded high level of confidence and good communication skills. It also required good product knowledge, which means I had to have good memory.During my high school education years, I had many honorable scientific achievements.

I was voted in as the scientific researches club president by students. I presented my school in the Qatari high schools scientific researches competition. Our school was ranked in the top ten and we were able to reach the playoffs. Moreover, I had been chosen from the school Academic Advisor to be one of the five girls to examine the Pisa International Exam. As a participant, this improved my time management ability as well as my ability to meet deadlines. Moreover, I learnt that success demands hard work and setting priorities effectively.

I have also discovered the importance of volunteering, especially when it becomes evident that you have made some changes that better the lives of other people who in one way or the other lost hope. That happened through the volunteering in Qatar Charity. I used to transfer funds from donors to facilitate the construction of mosques and projects to help countries suffering from famine and persecution. What a wonderful feeling when you hear the word “ thank you” from a hopeless kid, or watching an old man lying on a clean mattress after suffering from lying on the ground beside the trashes in the street.

I was also given the opportunity to grow my experience as I joined Company for a two months internship. I had the chance to work with three different departments, which were human resources, finance and marketing departments. I attended meetings where I learned about the policies and procedures. I understand that not just academic consciousness is needed, but enthusiasm, creativity and hard work are what are essential for success. I have always had a strong desire to run a successful business.

As such, it would be useful to gain vast and useful work experience and economic back up before getting to the phase of starting my own business. As a result, I focused on applying for entrepreneurship courses and joining seminars about business planning and step ups in Qatar development bank. It has made a great change to the way I view things and it has also opened my mind towards new prospects. I have the creativity, artistic talents and I have greatly enjoyed painting as well. In my opinion, it is one of the best ways to express your feelings and I love how challenging it is, the way you keep on adding details till you reach a clear result.

How everything is critical especially if you want to achieve a realistic reflection. My strong passion in painting and drawing have proved rewarding as I won the second place in girls’ creativity center contest on painting, a Drawing inspired by the National Day of the State of Qatar. I trust that CarnegieMellon University is the perfect destination since knowledge is not the only thing I am seeking to acquire, but also a solid social network that I can exchange expertise with in the future.

Therefore, I cannot wait to take part in the various student associations in the great institute of CarnegieMellon. Being Self-motivated, flexible and willing to learn, I am sure that I can be of great benefit to CarnegieMellon not only in academic dimension, but in many other ways. However, studying Business administration at CarnegieMellon will not be the end. It is going to be the principle that would lead me to reach my main goal of bringing positive change to my society.

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