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Managing of the Voice project - Essay Example

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One of the processes that requires a lot of work because of the implementation of VOICE cloud computing is the financial department. The financial department is key to this organization because this is where files for profit and loss are kept. …
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Managing of the Voice project
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Managing of the Voice project Managing of the Voice project One of the processes that requires a lot of work because of the implementation of VOICE cloud computing is the financial department. The financial department is key to this organization because this is where files for profit and loss are kept. These files are very important and therefore they should be stored using cloud computing, so that even when there is system failure the files will still be safe (KIMPERLEY, 2010, pp 88) . For the successful implementation of the VOICE cloud computing, the functions that the department plays should be divided into smaller work units and every work unit should be headed by someone who will take the responsibility for that group.

These work units should have the full support of the management so that they work efficiently. For every company’s success the employees have to be motivated. This is because motivated employees tend to work to their best of capability. Therefore the two companies will have to come up with a way of motivating the staff members of the companies if the successful implementation of VOICE cloud computing is to be achieved. In addition, this will be helpful in that these are two different groups who have been working differently and therefore they may have different opinions as far as carrying out a task is concerned.

The structure of the company will have to be checked once again by the management team. The same structure cannot be maintained as there is a new company which has been brought on board. The staff members of the People powered system will feel like they are not part of the company if the same structures are kept in place. The objectives of the finance department will have to change also, research as shown that departmental performances have a direct relationship with the department’s values and objectives.

Therefore, strong values and objectives will enable the staff members to put in more effort. The systems should be taken into account also during implementation, because these are two different companies which had different systems and models. The people powered system were having SaaS while Cardiff computing have been using IaaS (Shao, Liaoand Wang, 2008, Pg 321),. This makes the staff members to complement each other because Iaas is based on servers, storages, network and computing while SaaS is based on the infrastructure.

Therefore the common shared network will enable effective implementation of the VOICE cloud service. Training of staff on software technologies is also key to the implementation of the VOICE cloud computing. Generally, finance staff members are normally trained on financial transactions. Therefore, for VOICE computing implementation to be effective, all the staff members will have to be trained n software development this will enhance service delivery within the finance department. Once all these stages have been carried out, the performance of the finance department should be evaluated to find out its performance when compared to the original finance departments of the mother companies (Wildeman, 2008 pg. 99). If the performance is not up to the standard, then the implementation stages will have to be revisited and improved on where the standards were not met.

In conclusion, since the finance department is responsible for a variety of functions such as processing of employees salary and calculation of the company’s net profits, a lot of attention has to be given to this department if the cloud computing service is to be achieved. Bibliography KIMPERLEY, J.R. AND MILES, R.H (2010.), The organizational life cycle, San Francisco: Jossey Bass, pp. 83-134 Shao, Y.P., Liao, S.Y. and Wang, H.Q. (2008), A model of virtual organisations, Journal of Information Science, 24: 5, pp. 305-312. Wildeman, L. (2008), Alliances and networks: the next generation, International Journal of Technology Management, 15: 1/2, pp. 96-108.

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