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Management communication - Essay Example

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The ideology was entertainment in a simplistic fashion so that the dinner could be made more enjoyable. Then the next time when reference to puppies was made, was…
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Management communication
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Dear Dewey Ballantine community, This communication all started out as a simple joke when the skit was displayed during the annual dinner in January. The ideology was entertainment in a simplistic fashion so that the dinner could be made more enjoyable. Then the next time when reference to puppies was made, was simply a statement to help such animals rather than stirring up a rife between various communities. It is understood in any organization’s strategic policy, especially in the global scenario, that there will not be any community based discrimination since each employee comes from a diverse background and requires his or her own ideology to be respected.

However, in this situation, we have seen that there has been discrimination in the Dewey Ballantine community, particular against the Asian community, for which please consider this a sincere apology. We do realize that the Asian community seems to have been targeted during this scenario which is not the intended purpose of the various types of communication that have gone out from the partners. Rather, it has been a sincere effort only to realize some facts that the partners actually considered importance in terms of the rights of certain communities including animals.

Despite that, the partners should have considered the type of message such communication should send across to certain community members before sending out that email pertaining to puppies. It was noted that the Asian community therefore was offended when this email was sent out because it seemed to completely counter the cultural elements of the Asians and thus we understand that this can create differences amongst employees within the organization. We also realize that this problem may actually persist and cannot be handled lightly.

This understanding between communities and their cultural elements must be developed amongst each employee in order to avoid such problems in the future, thus Dewey Ballantine will not take a low profile in this case.Since this ideology of cultural differences can take a twist for the worse as well, it is important that instead of a tarnished reputation, Dewey Ballantine takes corrective as well as preventive steps in order to make sure this situation does not arise again. Therefore, the organization is looking into developing communication guidelines that can help avoid such inclusion of community based elements such that situations like these do not arise in the future.

These communication guidelines will include all elements pertaining to culture that would need to be avoided so that employees have a better idea on how to communicate between the diverse ranges of cultures that exist within the organization. A separate counsel from outside the organization is not particularly a requirement however, each employee must realize that there will be only some elements that the communication guidelines cover, all other elements with reference to culture should be considered and ignored because there will be numerous occasions when an employee or partner may refer to a culture based element, only with their reference being their point of view on reality based elements.

With a sense of patience that needs to be prevailed and communication guidelines that would be forthcoming, we believe this issue has been managed. We sincerely hope that such instances in the future will not arise after these guidelines. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Dewey Ballantine Partners References: Allen, Brenda and Karen Ashcraft. (2003). "The Racial Foundation of Organizational Communication." Communication Theory 13.1, pp.5-38.

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