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What Makes Bizland, Inc Unique among Others - Case Study Example

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The paper "What Makes Bizland, Inc Unique among Others" highlights that three success factors for the company are the quality of its human resource, the ability of the company to adapt to market changes, and the fast growing business strategy that its founder was able to implement. …
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What Makes Bizland, Inc Unique among Others
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The company is evolving as the firm has added other products to its offering including marketing advice to small businesses, payroll, and telephone services.
II. Had they compiled an exhaustive list of criteria for their “must haves”? Had some important qualities been omitted? Were all of the items necessary? If he and John did make changes, how would the four candidates measure up to the revised list?

The firm formulated an exhaustive list of things they were looking for in the CEO they seek to run the firm. Upon further review of their list, I believe Ravi and his management team included a lot of important items needed to perform the job well. Despite their efforts, some critical things were left out. First, the company did not include having excellent interpersonal and communication skills as part of the list. A CEO is the highest position in a company and this person must interact with a variety of people including employees, shareholders, board of directors, suppliers, and governmental agents. Another flaw in the list is that it did not include the requirement of being an expert negotiator. The CEO during a fiscal year faces numerous business opportunities in various facets of his job in which negotiation skills are vital to the success of the missions.

III. Did the four candidates offer any real possibilities? Should they invite any of them for an interview with the entire Board of Directors? Or, even though it would further elongate the process, should Ravi and John begin considering other candidates not previously screened or interviewed?

I think that the four candidates have real possibilities. All candidates hold MBA degrees and have over 10 years of experience working in the business industry in various positions of importance. I do not think that it is required for the board to invite any more candidates because they already have some excellent alternatives available to them. The process should not be elongated because the firm needs to have the CEO position vacancy filled as soon as possible.

IV. If Ravi had to make a decision today, which of the four candidates should he choose, and why? Before responding to the merits of each candidate, please rank-order the importance of the following: 1. Academic achievement, 2. Professional Certification, 3. Experience and Promotion, 4. Transferability of skills to this industry and company 5. Other

Employee ranking by category:
Academic achievement
1. Robert Barbers
2. Sanja Gupta
3. Michael Speer
4. Daniel Peters
Professional Certification
1. Robert Barbers
2. Sanja Gupta
3. Michael Speer
4. Daniel Peters
Experience and Promotion
1. Robert Barbers
2. Daniel Peters
3. Sanjay Gupta
4. Michal Speer
Transferability Skills to Company
1. Daniel Peters
2. Sanjay Gupta
3. Robert Barbers
4. Michael Speers
V. What skills does Ravi possess that have enabled BizLand, Inc. to become successful in such a short time? What makes BizLand, Inc. unique among other “dot coms”? Are there critical areas where Ravi needs support moving forward?

Ravi has shown that he is a great leader that thinks outside the lines to find opportunities other businesspeople would not visualize. Ravi unlike other business executives had the guts to admit a mistake and instead of dragging unprofitable business lines, he immediately eliminated them to have more capital available for more profitable products and business ventures. One of the things that make Bizland a unique “dot com” is the company has great customer service, its ability to adapt fast to market changes, and the quality of its human resources. One of the critical areas the firm has to concentrate on moving forward is investing more money in research and development. Read More
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