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The Communication Technology Effect in Business - Research Paper Example

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 This research paper explores the modern technologies in relation to communication technology and how they have made business sector to prosper. The paper also recommends on ways businesses can implement to ensure they remain relevant in using these business technologies. …
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The Communication Technology Effect in Business
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The Communication Technology Effect in Business TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ii THE PROBLEM AND THE PLAN 1 Incidentals of Authorization and Submittal 1 Objective of the Study 1 Use of Observational Techniques 1 A Preview of the Presentation 1 The Communication Technology Effect in Business 2 How much we depend on communication technology 2 Negative Effect of Communication Technology 6 REFERENCES 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. ICT is Considered Most Useful in Administration of Business 3 Figure 2. Costs of Broadband Services and Use In Developed and Developing Countries 4 Figure 3. Lack of Knowledge Is the Biggest Barrier to ICT Use in Business 6 Figure 4. High Costs of ICT Presents a Barrier to Most Developing Nations 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research paper explores the modern technologies in relation to communication technology and how they have made business sector to prosper. It has examined and analyzed literature related to the use of internet, emails, websites, social media as well as wireless technology devices such as smart phones, radio frequency, cloud computing devices and other cellular devices. This discussion demonstrates how these technologies are used for communication purposes within internal department of a business and also with the outside world, and the ways they have been used in communication to benefit the business organizations. This paper also discusses on the advantages that these communication technologies have offered to business over time as well as the limiting factors of the same. The paper also recommends on ways businesses can implement to ensure they remain relevant in using these business technologies. THE PROBLEM AND THE PLAN Incidentals of Authorization and Submittal This study of communication technology effects in business is submitted to Mr. Dennis H. Mohle, BA 105W Instructor, on Dec 10, 2013. As authorized on Jan 22, the research and was conducted under the direction of Dennis H. Mohle of Business Communication Research, LLP. Objective of the Study Objective of communication technology effect in business Research Study: The objective of the study was to explore and examine how advancement in communication technology has impacted on the way business operations are conducted locally and internationally. Use of Observational Techniques The methodology used in this investigation was observational and analysis of the literal information and statistics available from research articles, peer reviewed journals, books, periodicals and the internet on the effect of communication technology in business. A Preview of the Presentation In the following pages the research finding and analysis show how advancement in communication technology is critical for modern business activities. Globalization has turned the world to a global market thus communication technology does not only help in ordinary business communication but is critical ingredient in conducting faster transactions, marketing and management of resources in the modern business environment. The Communication Technology Effect in Business How much we depend on communication technology . Communication is usually essential for a business to be successive and more so in the twenty first century. In any business, the most basic part is how to communicate to its customer and the world at large. Over a few decades ago, communication within and outside business was very hectic and required a lot of money to be in business. However, with the improvement in technology, businesses have been the major beneficiary especially in their communication sector. The twenty first century has seen credible advancement in communication technology especially in regard to the internet use and wireless communication systems. Modern communication technologies that have helped improve businesses activities include emails which has fastened communication between departments, within employees, and between organizations and their external partner’s. At the click of a button one is able to send message miles away unlike in the past where it required sending of letters through postal corporation or even sending of messengers which required both resources and time. Emails remain the most effective means of communication for both small and large businesses globally due to the ease by which they can be freely operated thus making them easy to maintain. For instance businesses are able to operate offices across the globe. Figure 1. ICT is Considered Most Useful in Administration of Business Source: Estimates from ITU World Telecommunication Database Wireless communication devices such as Cellular phones are another bigger achievement for communication in businesses. 1Employees and managers are able to work within and outside their offices as they have the phones with them unlike in the past when wired communication devices such as landlines were limiting work hours. Staffs and employees can easily keep in touch with their clients and bosses when in their offices as well as during other times. 2With even more advancement such as tablets, iphones, ipads, Smartphone there is great expansion in the business activities conducted outside the office. These enable workers to have increased productivity and have extended working days and hours. 3Teleconferencing, another achievement of modern communication allows businesses to hold meeting in different countries that are greatly far apart because it ensures there is both video and audio link. This helps companies with many branches across the globe to be in constant communication. Managers can therefore save time and money that was previously used for travels by staff or for posting documents containing information discussed during meetings e.g. minutes and inventories. The users of teleconference technology can easily interact just as if there is sharing information in a round table. Figure 2. Costs of Broadband Services and Use In Developed and Developing Countries Source: Estimates from ITU World Telecommunication Database Development of other wireless devices such as Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) has brought a significant change in the logistics department in businesses. RFIDs are small tag devices whose chips are able to respond to radio waves with the information encoded on them thus allowing the companies to be able to track their materials, goods and items. Once a scanning device has been activated, the tags which are within that certain range respond with the information coded on them which allows timely tracking of shipment as well as update of inventories in the business warehouses. This enables employees to have in time shipping of goods and deliver on demand of their customer. This helps to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of warehousing and improves security of goods on transit. Communication technology has brought a lot of advantages to the business world. These advantages include one saving on finances .For instance, tasks such as sending of documents and letters that was expensive for companies is now done with just a click of a button. Conducting of business over a wide range and diverse market has been made possible through the use internet which has enabled teleconferencing over great distances. Emailing has also been used to pass information among the staffs and also to their customers. 4The cost of advertisement have also been significantly reduced by use of websites and social media pages whereby the companies can put up features such as new product and post them for their customers to review, send feedback and even order for products. Cellular phone technology has enabled communication to be much cheaper as no cost of wiring is need. The ease of correspondence have also been improved through use of short messaging and instant messaging which is more superior to emails reducing the cost of writing and posting letters. Communication technology has also enabled increase in speed (expediency) with which business transactions can be conducted and results achieved. This is most helpful because it enables companies to conduct business with clients who are far away. This is achieved through the use of communication technologies such as internet which enables teleconferencing and exchange of documents and files through emailing. Networking has also enabled business transactions to be conducted over the internet making them faster and more convenient. 5Cloud computing enables business users authorized access to programs and documents stored in computers and drives by ordinary access of the internet. Cloud computing also helps to save on time that could be lost when networks are down. Data loss is also eliminated as the possibility of system crashing is minimal. Communication technology has also enabled the business to increase employment opportunity thus growing the economy. For instance there are employed skilled personnel who are hired to install and operate new technology tools such as scanners, RFID. It also helps companies to run efficiently and smoothly. These technologies have also enable ease with which the company can switch from one method to another in order to serve their clients better. For instance a customer who does not have an email address can be reached through a phone call. Marketing also has become easy for example through use of websites where a company can state it goals, objectives and communicate its desire in meeting the customer needs. Negative Effect of Communication Technology Despite the many ways Communication technology improves businesses, there are also disadvantages. For instance some customers have a perception that is impersonal. Some feel that some companies use so much communication that is electronic and thus are insensitive to them compared to the one on one communication. There are also be those who are frustrated by companies that do not have personal contact with their customers more so the consumers. Employees of companies that use electronic method of communication would also feel detached with their managers and other employees as there is no personal relationship that they come across. It has been noted that emails, short messages are likely to create confusion if not well understood by all. This means that there is also need to follow up on the same thus at some point causing inefficiency. Figure 3. Lack of Knowledge Is the Biggest Barrier to ICT Use in Business Source: Estimates from ITU World Telecommunication Database The expense that the company undergoes in having communication technology equipment is also another disadvantage. Equipments such as modems, servers, software and computers which are a major component of the communication chain are usually expense to acquire and maintain. They also require frequent upgrade to ensure that their relevance is maintained. It also requires the company to have the capability to maintain and repair the same in terms of manpower thus causing a financial burden to the company. 6Security is big concern to communication technology. Text, short messages and emails are more prone to hacking or unauthorized access. This causes liabilities to the company as they have to ensure good measures are put in place to avoid hacking scenarios this could include investing heavily on control and safeguarding measures. 7With the recent increase in cyber crimes and virus spread the company has to invest a lot on security guards to avoid the same. Figure 4. High Costs of ICT Presents a Barrier to Most Developing Nations Source: Estimates from ITU World Telecommunication Database Businesses can also find it cumbersome and financially strenuous to train employees as this would require frequent refresher courses on the new equipment. This require both resources and time to train the staff in order to ensure that they keep constant communication with the outside world as well as internally. This becomes difficult and financially hard especially if a company has a high employee turnover as each hired employee require resources to train and when they leave the company loses his/her manpower. REFERENCES 1. Skerlavaj, Miha and Vlado Dimovski. "Study of the Mutual Connections among Information-Communication Technologies, Organisational Learning and Business Performance*." Journal for East European Management Studies 11, no. 1 (2006): 20 2. Lampitt, Phillip G., and Tim Meyer. 2005. "Business Communication Technologies: A New Course." Business Communication Quarterly 58, no. 2: 4. 3. Krutz, Ronald L., and Russell Dean Vines. 2010. Cloud Security : A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley, 2010. 15. 4. Fatih, Geçti and İkram Daştan. "The Impact of Social Media-Focused Information & Communication Technologies on Business Performance via Mediating Mechanisms: An Exploratory Study on Communication and Advertising Agencies in Turkey." International Journal Of Business & Management 8, no. 7 (April 2013): 106-115. 5. Garrison, Gary, Sanghyun Kim, And Robin L. Wakefield. 2012. "Success Factors For Deploying Cloud Computing." Communications Of The Acm 55, No. 9: 62-68. 6. Lampitt, 154 7. Bradley, Gunilla, Anita Mirijamdotter, and Darek M. Haftor. 2011. Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings: Theory and Framework. (Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, 2011), 413. Read More
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