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Respiration & Circulation - Lab Report Example

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Respiration and circulation are two different aspects, but their functionality involves the provision of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide in the body. During respiration, energy is released by oxygen from food. The process also involves removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) as…
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Respiration & Circulation
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There are different parts of circulation and respiration. They include heart, blood vessels, capillaries, blood, spleen, trachea, lungs, and pericardium (Starr and McMillan 2013). Respiration involves inhalation and exhalation of air. The respiratory system is a structure that enables human beings to breath. As stated earlier, respiration involves absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere and elimination of Carbon dioxide. The respiratory system is identified by different structures from the nose to the chest.

Some of the structures are the nose, throat, larynx, trachea, primary bronchi, and alveolar duct. The structures of respiration are categorised into lower and the upper respiratory tract. The nose, mouth and the trachea form the upper part, which allows air in and out from the body. The lower parts of the system include trachea, bronchi, broncheoli, pulmonary alveoli and lungs. The trachea is in the two parts of the respiratory system. However, the upper part of the trachea is a small section while lower connects the bronchi and the throat (Jakab 2007).

Each lung has of roughly 300 million alveoli, which are in the form of tiny sacks formed at the end of the bronchioles. Tiny blood vessels surround alveoli. Alveoli form a large surface that makes it good for gaseous exchange because the tiny layer of the blood vessels covers the alveoli. Oxygen from the alveoli enters the blood vessels while the CO2 is eliminated from the blood vessels. This is because the blood vessels surrounding the alveoli have more CO2 than the alveoli that have more oxygen.

For a balance of both gases, oxygen diffuses to the blood while CO2 diffuses out from the blood to the alveoli. CO2 is breathed out while oxygen breathed in hence gaseous exchange takes place (Fosbery and McLean 1996). During inhalation and exhalation, the pressure and volume of the lungs change. When air is breathed in, the ribs move upwards

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