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The Art without Limitations - Essay Example

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The following essay entitled 'The Art without Limitations' focuses on artists who have always tended to depict what they wanted to depict not paying attention to whether people like it or not. Certainly, everybody has a right to express what he feels…
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Advertising is also a kind of art that exists to affect people’s mind. Thus, art always affects us somehow. People may use art to express their feelings, emotions or experience and certainly, they are free to do that. However, they also depend on the common opinion and their creations may or may not be accepted by others. Some artists try to follow the taste of the people to be recognized and some do not pay attention to what people would think about them. I agree with the author of the passage that people can depict what they want to depict.

North America is really full of freedom. However, I would like to mention that expressing our thoughts and emotions we should not forget about ethics and definite standards, which are accepted in our society.

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The Art Without Limitations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 254 Words.
“The Art Without Limitations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 254 Words”, n.d.
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